Bach didn’t have planes trains and automobiles…
Bach didn’t have planes trains and automobiles…
Read your comment again. You are outraged because someone made a completely valid assumption bases on the information you gave. Truley someone that old wouldn’t be that angry about it would they? You are really just reaffirming that you are a kid masquerading as someone older by being this upset.
The point of my comment wasn’t even about your age. It was that this is how things go in general.
You are really gonna feel bad when the price for such a game was 39.99. This is just the way it works friend. When you get older some kid is going to be saying the same thing but 79.99 will be the pricepoint.
Your life isn’t going to be “normal” and it’s not your fault. You are going to be different and it’s not because you are better or worse. just different. Just do your best and that’s all anyone can want from you.
Oh man- here I am having paid off every debt I’ve had early and never being punished for it. Guess your response of 1989 just really showed me.
What makes you think owning property means you don’t know economics? I’m willing to bet those people also have a lot invested in stocks/bonds/business… feels like your just mad because they have an a you have not.
I feel like that more a reason you specificity aren’t rich and the rest of the people have very different reasons.
What? Since when?
Sure- but it’s not something for you to be able to look at just because you want to. If I don’t want you to know something about me you don’t have the right to know.
Lol yes of course. You’re right everything that I’ve owned and worked for is yours. And your asshole is mine. Communism for all right comrade?
Is someone missing the taste of laziness? This is exactly what I’m talking about. You retards can’t help but comment. You have no plan. You deny reality. You just want but don’t want to put in the work to actually do anything. Someone told you something about Marx and because you lack the ability to do any actual research you just clump together and scream on here.
For me it’s the ridiculous amount of alt left/communist comments in EVERY thread. Even blocking the worst offending instances I still get a frankly insane amount of comments from delusional people thinking we should all give up our personal possessions and everyone just magically have access to everything at no cost to anyone.
The problem is you only need a handful of whales to buy all the things for mtx to be profitable
I suppose it can be read that way. When I read “we ended up sleeping together” I’m assuming everything was done. Barriers or no- I’m also assuming the same precautions (or lack of) were taken for everything
Yes I know. But it’s also transmitted via normal sex. So why is oral the criteria rather than the regular sex?
“We can have sex as long as you don’t go down on me because I don’t want to get a panel done”
See- it doesn’t make sense
Still doesn’t compute. Going down on someone is the criteria for getting a panel done? Not the penetrative sex??
Ok… so the water is going to be used regardless- it’s still making the product that goes to feed cows… I guess I’m just not really understanding the base point you are making.
Still not getting it- if the cottonseed is fed to the cows why do you think the water should be attributed to textiles?
Cottonseed fed to cows is obviously not going to be grown into cotton and used in textiles…
Also I can’t find mention of cottonseed at all in there.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding your argument- as that publication back what we are saying about the beef industry having a massive impact on the environment
Not sure what tv you have- smart tvs today sometimes can run steam link natively.