Farmer: So anyway I started spraying.
I blame everything on hamid
Farmer: So anyway I started spraying.
The colors bled out in the wash.
It’s interesting to look at the gear they’re using.
The commander looks to be in warmer equipment with body armor while the mercenaries are in camo windbreaker looking things. But the commander also looks to be wearing some kind of street shoe instead of the boots you might expect to see with his armor…
I wonder, is that his choice to wear comfortable footwear over protective footwear, an equipment supply problem, or something else entirely?
It always confuses me that they prioritize the chest/heart instead of the head.
As Russia is trying to exploit the lack of supplies to Ukraine.
Trying to gain as much ground as they can before more aid arrives.
What a lovely dystopian suppository.
Damn that’s big increase. Well done, fuck Russia.
The last update I read said they were having trouble sparing pilots and flight crews to learn how to fly them. Hopefully they’ve found a way to get more skilled pilots and crews ready.
That’s probably all true but that wasn’t the point I was making. If you watch many of the combat videos here you’ll notice the fpv and uav pilots don’t really leave wounded Russian soldiers, they finish them off.
In this video the orc does the job himself, saving the Ukrainian defense a trip to finish him.
Occupiers hate this one simple trick!
Whatever the last grenade hit almost took out the guy who threw it.
I’m sure Ukraine appreciates that he saved them a trip to finish him off.
Russia has been surging in the last week or so, that’s where the inflated losses in infantry/tanks/artillery are coming from.
Hopefully the incoming aid will boost their defenses and help them repel the invaders.
War is truly terrible. No one should have to feel the pain the innocent victims of these conflicts feel.