Yeah, they won’t geofence. Still money to be made from existing US users. And no one puts principles above profits.
Yeah, they won’t geofence. Still money to be made from existing US users. And no one puts principles above profits.
But… they are providing a service.
Also using this, but the swipe prediction is garbage sometimes.
In the sentence above, it didn’t predict 3x words, nor give me the correct one as an option, and I had to type it manually.
If I swipe really slow, it performs a little better. But who wants to do that?
Maybe in doing something wrong in the settings.
What I like about it: it isn’t google, and I can use a QWERTY layout, with number row, and the shift+number matches that of a standard keyboard. Couldn’t get that to work with other FOSS keyboards,
They believe it will benefit them one day.
One if somewhat temporary.
Both if I want 1-2% increase in performance.
“You’re not good for much, but you do a damn good vacuum.”
-60yo lady to 20yo me, bookshop job.
La la la (puts fingers in ears) I’m not listening!
Spelling mistake in commented notes.
Not smoke.
You don’t have to have children, don’t feel pressured by friends & family.
You don’t need to be in a relationship, don’t feel pressured by friends & family.
Go travel. See things, eat food, drink wine, enjoy yourself.
Cause you’ll also need to create apps that will be compatible.
I’d actually be ok with this.
And Picard.
Retcon them both.
It got even worse in my opinion.
Quite a few, but more recently:
Neverwinter Nights. Even the Enhanced Edition.
Other older RPGs just start off too slow, but that isn’t necessarily age related, but by design.
Morrowind, but only because I’ve lost where I was up to in my saved game from 3-4 years ago, not so much because of the mechanics; they didn’t bother me too much.
Yeah, I prefer the positive role models & society present in 90’s trek. You don’t get that much in nutrek.
Gotta make sure you’re moving your head every few seconds.
That editing was annoying.
Hopefully. But suspect they’ll be minor characters like Pike in Star Trek (2009).
You know what was good about 66-90’s trek? Older cast members who were role models.
We’re not going to get a good show full of teenagers.
Both sides got you to this point.