And usually just take pictures of things at work as a note taking method.
And usually just take pictures of things at work as a note taking method.
I don’t know the physics behind it, or if it’s even true (could just be a placebo effect), but if you scrunch the paper there is less streaking on the clean up.
I’d estimate that 90%+ of us would be dead in a matter of months if not weeks.
Consider the significant lack of food available. Think about how much food the average person has in their house. Probably a week, maybe two. Perhaps a month if you’re wise and start rationing immediately. But most won’t. Most people would be in denial at the start and assume someone or something would rescue us.
Now consider how much food there is available at your local grocery store. And how many people that store could feed. Compare that to the population of the geographic area that store supports and you’ll see that for the most part we would be out of food in a matter of months.
Sure we could scavenge and perhaps hunt small game, but that’s limited and not something most people could do. But to get to a point where we’re actually able to do some level of substance farming, that could take up to a year to complete depending on the season society collapses. Before we get there most of us would have staved to death. Probably too many would die and there wouldn’t be enough labour to work the farms either.
And that’s just considering food. There’s still the issue of clean potable water, and infections or other health issues that turn deadly quickly without modern medical intervention.
And these issues are all compounded if you live in a high density urban environment. Which many do.
TLDR: if society collapses, it might be wise to just bow out before things get really bad.
As others say…. Multiple monitors for work. One big ultra wide for gaming.
My only “complaint” about ultra wide is that most gaming ui’s aren’t configured for them. Meaning that to look at the mini map in a game like Cyberpunk, you have to take your eyes off the centre of the screen. Then you will crash your car.
I don’t think that’s entirely accurate. There were other paths to citizenship (iirc something akin to the peace corps and perhaps even business success? It’s been a while since I read it). But it wasn’t just military. It’s just that military was the easiest for most people.
As a metaphysical solipsist, I haven’t decided yet.
It’s interesting to me that Africa is 2. I’d assume that when these were implemented Africa would be a cultural afterthought and Europe would’ve gotten number 2.
Curious what the thought process was there.
AFAIK, it’s not the legality per se that keeps the actual incest off the provider, but that credit card companies won’t allow their cards to be used to pay for such services.
But I’m just a regular pervert on the internet. I’m only parroting what I read online.
And here I thought the Jewish faith didn’t have an afterlife?
So much conflicting information in this religion thing. I think I’ll just avoid it all together.
What show is the second row from?
I remember something a friend said to me once. We were watching an action movie and during a well choreographed sequence I said something about wanting to be able to fight like that. My friend said, “sorry, you’ve only got one life”.
Nothing is impossible, but after a certain point in life, you’re simply unable to achieve that which would take a lifetime to master.
It’s a little wordy, but this is my favourite one here.
I was trying to figure out what caused wind. I noticed the leaves moving when the wind blew, and I knew that a fan (handheld) also moved wind. So it stood to reason that trees moved causing the leaves to move which caused the wind. And naturally it must be earthquakes that caused the tree to love. And then I thought, we’ll there must be a master tree that started the wind, and the most “logical” place for that tree would be the North Pole.
So, that there was a tree on the North Pole that caused all the wind.
French toast > pancakes > waffles
You dammed heathen!
Wasn’t this the catalyst for the “humans are space orcs” meme?
They absolutely better have a William Boimler episode this season. I will be very disappointed if they don’t.
I’m hoping for a fun romp where William takes Brad along on a dark op. With Tendi. Cause her dark op sequence was just terrific. I love seeing that Orion pirate it up.
Could you imagine the glory that would be a Garak vs. Boimler episode?
Must have.
Birthright. Part 1.
Thanks. I honestly couldn’t recall them in any official canon. But I am playing STO at the moment and they’re in that as allies of the Klingons so I assumed there was more to their story that I just wasn’t remembering.
I like it. Can’t wait to see it.
Not sure why the OP and (at least) one comment at time of writing didn’t like it, but it’s not that bad.