Cheese flavored. Neelix makes the best cheese for it.
Cheese flavored. Neelix makes the best cheese for it.
Queen on E9 ejects her warp core!
True, but I think the context of her being a big influence on his decision to call off the marriage was a big mistake. Making it a musical number was salt in the wound. If they downplayed the former and did the latter in a different episode I don’t think it would be so bad.
She’s a great character but I only liked Chapel until she did Spock wrong in the musical episode. He pretty much (spoiler) left his fiancee for her (end spoiler) then she basically spaces him a few episodes later.
Devil’s advocate. Tuvix and Neelix didn’t want to die either. Maybe if star-fleet wasn’t so afraid of cloning and kept copies in their buffers longer we could have had all three.
Exactly, and to add to it, you can’t know the director’s vision or opinion on how the framing should be adjusted. AI can make images easily but it won’t understand subtext and context that was intended. No time soon at least.
She could look past how he pronounced sabotage… but data, that’s where she draws the line.
It was a smart move though, water is great at stopping projectiles. If he’s smarter he would swim to the right side of the river and surrender after that.
This sold at Omega mart or something?
He get is it.
I see they are going off the original German design.
I am amazed that everyone here seems to know about the cinematic mod. Here I was thinking it was obscure gamer knowledge. Maybe Lemmy just attracts mod aficionados.
Don’t worry. the Secret Telepathic Police are only telepathic under Standard Temperature and Pressure conditions.
Eternal Darkness for the Gamecube. Got me more into Lovecraftian horror and horror in general.
Soo… is the shot measured in mg or mm? Vitamin D could help.
Cheese flavored. Neelix makes the best cheese for it.