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…it works fine. All my shit is already here. Logins are all set up. Why would I leave?
Some of us just chose .world because we didn’t know what the fuck we were doing
I’m not hear to kink-shame. It was just surprising to overhear
Not an argument but I once heard my neighbor casually (but loudly) discuss with someone how she could only orgasm anally
Nestor Makhno and his Makhnovists weren’t perfect but I think its probably the closest we’re going to get to seeing a working anarchist society. It seemed like it worked for a short time.
Also note the mutial aid systems that spring up in the wake of some disasters could probably be considered temporary anarchist societies. Rebecca Solenit wrote a book about this but I haven’t gotten a chance to read it yet. A Paradise Built in Hell. I hear its good but I can’t say that with firsthand knowledge
I mean I’m okay for now. The world is burning but none is affecting me yet (that doesn’t make it okay, I’m just trying be real about my situation) and I semi-recently landed a new job where people seem to appreciate me. It looks like we are weirdly very well positioned to weather the current storms and I got an email from management essentially saying “I don’t care who’s in charge, we are still a woke company”. Family is good. We have food, housing, and our health for now. It could be a lot worse. I’m sorry to anyone going through tough times. I wish I could fix it for you.
Edit: I gotta amend this a bit just to vent. I do increasingly feel isolated and alone. I have my immediate family (wife and kids) which is great. I highly recommended it if you can find someone. However, my wife is mostly apolitical and just tries not to think about things like that. I’m sure that reads bad but I’m sympathetic. She didn’t ask for any of this and is just trying to live her life. We’re also not into a lot of the same things. That actually would be nice if I had other people to share my interests with. Its nice sometimes to have things that are your own in a relationship. I’ve lost nearly everyone else to maga and culture war BS. I catch myself doing that thing that elderly people do where they talk too long to customer service people (not about politics, just small talk). I have no community and I don’t know how to find that
Man I wish I had your numbers. I’m currently an hour drive from my work
Many Americans are physically unable to do this
I think it’s ideal if you can. It isn’t viable in a lot of US cities due to multiple factors but I am hoping that changes in the future
Buy a used car maybe? I’ve never bought a new car as they’re pretty out-of-reach cost wise and I say this as someone who works in automotive development.
The used market isn’t as good as it used to be but you can still get more for your money than you can with a new car
Check out a band called Pelican, especially their early stuff. It’s not exactly what you’re looking for but it might scratch that itch a little
This could easily be a joke too
I don’t know why but there’s something about this I find really unsettling
Like I have seen horrible imagery of people being droned and disemboweled and that time a Russian T-72 fired on a Ukrainian squad point blank. All that will be with me forever.
Somehow I feel this will be too. There’s a sick symbolism to seeing a war machine uncontrollably digging itself into the ground. Helpless to stop its own spiral downward
The problem is what you’re looking for is far less common than it used to be.
The bottom has dropped out of the market. Cars under a certain value are usually scrapped and/or parted out. You will find them occasionally but it’s getting rare. In my local area I find that Craigslist has the best selection of beaters, but it’s still difficult to find anything worthwhile under $4000.
Might be time to consider a motorcycle, scooter, or e-bike of you can make it work
Edit: one more thing. There are ways to browse FB marketplace without an account.
I recommend autotempest as it searches multiple sites.
DCA broke me because I know about 90% of those buttons and switches
I’d be happy just having bikes be viable as an individualized transportation method. I’d much rather a 30-minute bike ride than a car ride every day
I think it’s around 10k but they’re trying to get it lower
If you can afford I would get professional help. This is not something I have experience with personally but I’ve often heard of people not being able to process certain emotions so I would assume its somewhat common. A decent therapist would likely have a good understanding of how to help you navigate this.
If you can’t afford that then talking about on lemmy or elsewhere probably wouldn’t hurt. Even if we can’t offer much advice I figure writing it out like that could probably help you process your feelings on some level