I presume they mean his first meeting with Tuco, can’t think of another one that fits the description.
I presume they mean his first meeting with Tuco, can’t think of another one that fits the description.
What an insane point to make. If you’re a car person then of course you’ll admire others’ cars, even if you’re not, they’re often great bits of design and good fun in the right setting.
It’s only stupid if you then go out and try to get something to compete with it for more than you can afford to spend. I have no idea what the poster you replied to is talking about.
Concluded is a nice way to put it…
Didn’t they have to quit after doing an episode about workplace bullying at bôn appetit (or some other channel) and then getting called out for having behaved in exactly the same way for years? Proper douchebag hypocritical behaviour from memory.
They had some good episodes for sure, but fuck those guys.
Watched a Mike Boyd video about indoor climbing.
Thought it looked fun, always enjoyed climbing as a kid, signed up for an intro lesson and been doing it 6months now. I’m stronger and fitter now in my mid thirties than I’ve ever been in my life before now.
I fucking love climbing.
Not sure if you’re being serious or not, and everyone’s taste is their own. But yellow submarine is a simple nursery rhyme written by the beatles and possibly the worst single they released (in my opinion). It’s also not on Sgt pepper is it…?
Edit, just remembered there was a yellow submarine film too and I’m guessing you meant that.
You wouldn’t do a day of admin for a power plant for $4.5m?
Let’s say someone wants an extra day off work, if you say no they don’t get their day off so all the work gets done either way, if you say yes you have to sort through paperwork and file it correctly, hourly rate of half a million dollars.
You’re honestly turning that down?
No squash is very different to fresh juice. It’s also called cordial but cordial tends to be far “syruppier” and may be slightly different, I’m not sure.
You mix 1 part squash with 6ish parts water (depending on preferred strength) and drink.
Ribena and Robinsons are the squash kings in the UK, just a very easy way to mix up some flavoured water basically.
Appreciate the info thanks mate, I’m not really interested in using it tbh, I was just curious.
My PC gets used to play trackmania during boring meetings at work and not a lot else these days. Simple and easy with next to no thought or maintenance is what I’m after so windows is fine for me.
That’s a great summary and completely explains it, thanks bud.
And I presume Arch is one of the more (if not the most) popular distro for PCs? Just because I see it referenced all the time
Ok after 5months here I have to ask, what the fuck is a distro?
One is taught from birth and has a history of indoctrination that both you and me would likely also fall for in the same situation.
The other is willful ignorance with no historical reason to believe it and full denial of most science.
I’m not religious at all, I am happy to openly mock God and dare him to strike me down, I really don’t care. But laughing at the PEOPLE who believe it through no fault of their own is pure douchebaggery.
We’re fortunate to have the opportunity to learn about and assess the situation with as much knowledge as we like, plenty of people don’t have the same opportunity or were taught the beliefs long before they could reason any differently. 5000 years ago you’d be praising the sun God with the rest of us, everything from that to now is just shades of grey, and you’re pretty unlikely to be some special individual that derived all science from first principles and concluded that God was impossible.
You’re basically just claiming to be better due to the circumstances you found yourself in (through no fault of your own). Seems like properly cunty behaviour to me, and only a stones throw from laughing at the poor for not being born into wealth.
You dick :) x
What a twattish thing to do…
Hollow Knight. Bought it and played a few hours, died and got very annoyed that I couldn’t find my shade so lost motivation.
Picked it up again 2 years later and it’s arguably my favourite game ever now.
This is true whether kids are around or not to be fair…
My brother is similar but he does use an ereader for 90% of books these days. Now his book collecting hobby and the allure of a printed copy are restricted to his favourite or important books, 5 years ago he’d buy 100 books a year for £3 each, nowadays he’ll buy 3 or 4 books a year for £50 each and his satisfaction for good quality old or important copies of books goes through the roof.
It’s possible to have your cake and eat it too is what I guess I’m saying.
Dude get help.
I’ve only read northern lights once and didn’t continue with the series so I’ve either forgotten what an alethiometer is or never got to it.
From memory your daemon can be any creature it wants till you hit puberty though, so a bit like that I guess yeah.
It’s basically just the reverse of xmen I suppose, just seems like an interesting concept to explore and I’m surprised I’ve not seen it done (maybe it has, I’m no tv/comic expert).
With all the oversaturation of superhero content I’m surprised I haven’t seen anything where all superhero abilities are lost at puberty (and still only rarely seen before that).
I can see a lot of mileage in a setting where some people are castrated to try and retain powers (maybe this works partly and dulls your power), where non superheros are exploiting children and their powers, seems like there’s a good amount of potential narrative in there which I’m way too lazy to come up with myself.
Why is that racist…?
Honestly, the irrelevant fact that the person was Chinese is the most racist thing in this comment.
I will ask if she wants a drink, then request she makes me one too when she says yes.
I never offered to make it, only asked if she WANTED one.
I will then go make her a drink of course, and I’m not sure she’s ever found it funny, but I’m amused.