If things continue like they are currently, I would not be surprised to see a new Spiderman movie in the next 5 - 10 years that’s just “Spider-Man” “The Spider-Man” or “Spider-Man One”.
If things continue like they are currently, I would not be surprised to see a new Spiderman movie in the next 5 - 10 years that’s just “Spider-Man” “The Spider-Man” or “Spider-Man One”.
We should be threatening to give Alaska to Canada rather than threatening to make Canada the 51st state.
I hope to be this lucky.
What in the dill pickle is this pumpkin going on about?
Might as well.
I mean, Rotten dot com and related sites were around pretty early on and for quite a good while, so I’m not sure I’m totally on board with the premise.
I mean, given all the plane disasters happening as of late in the USA and its soon to be territories, I’d say 2025 is lined up to be the year it actually starts literally raining men.
I don’t think this experience is as universal as some people might think. Maybe it’s because I grew up in a poor district, but most of those wall mounted sharpeners at the “bin” were broken or had been removed decades prior. And in the few select cases where they existed and were functional, the teachers would absolutely no put up with kids taking frequent or extended sharpening breaks.
When I was a kid, Joe Rogan was hot and either he wasn’t crazy back then or we weren’t connected enough for me to know the truth about him.
JD VANCE has now entered the chat.
No, she was just upset that you were wasting all that time grooming yourself instead of spending it more appropriately on things like petting her.
I like big butts and I cannot lie.
Same way we test everything else on animals. It all starts with the mice.
I do the vast majority of my gaming from November through February (i.e. “winter”). Outside of that window, I rarely have time to play, and even when I have time, I usually have other things I’d rather do. I probably have another month or so of my gaming season left. Things just didn’t work out this year.
On the flip side, I managed to get about 45 minutes of down time this afternoon unexpectedly. So I fired up Doom (2016), which is the game I’ve focused on this season. I managed to make it to mission 12 out of 13, so I’m pretty close to the end as far as I can tell! It seems likely I’ll be able to finish it in a matter of days, so long as I can find the time!
I ain’t playin’ shit. I haven’t had any gaming time in over a week. I’m very, very sad. Perhaps tonight will be the night? Probably not, but one can hope.
Childhood trauma® unlocked.
I was promised that if I got good grades in school one year, that my parents would take me to go see a movie in the movie theater. I grew up barely middle class poor, so while I was never starving growing up, going to a movie theater to see a movie was a huge freakin’ deal. The opportunity to see any movie I wanted was the icing on the cake, because most of the time I got to see movies in the theater it’s because other family members were taking me and they wanted to see “kids stuff”.
So, the time comes to pick my movie. I was ecstatic about seeing People Under The Stairs and so ready to experience that. Last minute change of plans, though. Somehow or another, my mom got forced into taking my cousin. He was absolutely terrified of anything remotely scary, so People Under The Stairs was completely off the table, but he was adamant that we needed to go see a different “horror movie”, Earnest Scared Stupid.
I’m still pissed to this day. It’s obviously not Wes Craven’s best known horror movie, but it was and still is a decent movie and I missed out on seeing it in a theater.
I finally got around to watching Deadpool & Wolverine over the weekend. While I enjoyed aspects of it and don’t regret watching it, the movie was a reminder of how and why I have Marvel / super hero fatigue.
Also finally got around to watching The Substance and that was much more my cup o’ tea. Maybe my standards are just terribly low, but I really liked brief but thoroughly creepy final act. It reminded me of the creature features from the 80’s and 90’s and their practical effects, even if it was CGI in part.
I was out and about today and drove past a drive-in theater that’s showing Sonic 3. If it wasn’t so freakin’ cold in my part of the world, I might’ve considered going there to see it … for reasons. Granted, I barely remember the first Sonic movie and I haven’t gotten to see part 2 yet.
Much like the picture. Or maybe that’s the point. It’s the weekend, you can’t blame me if I don’t get it.
I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue.