You think this isn’t exactly what he wants?
You think this isn’t exactly what he wants?
If by “actual person,” you mean Trump voter, I’m afraid our definitions of people might be different.
I mean, he said so himself even before the election. We just have the fucking stupidest, god awful people in this country that apparently wanted it.
Wolves with prion diseases don’t sound great
Dude, you were corrected 5 hours ago. Why are you pretending you weren’t?
But that’s still an answer for you. It’s easy to fight back if we’re united, but they have a huge contingent of armed absolute morons celebrating the Nazification, rape, and pillaging of the country.
Are they surprised about what’s happening? I don’t actually think they realize or care at all as long as it’s their boy doing it
corruption, tyranny, and human rights abuse on a scale that would put Capitalism’s to shame?
Funny how you’re describing capitalism and trying to pretend you’re not.
I mean he might or might not, but they never will. They’ll install the next government and next executive. America’s done.
People who say they follow the Bible are usually lying too. And anything that’s allowed to be left up to interpretation and still be called “law” is bound to be corrupted when convenient and ignored when convenient.
I mean “No man shall hold office who committed insurrection” seems like a mechanism in and of itself. Dude just can’t run/be on a ballot. We just have two branches of government bought and paid for by the insurrectionist and America’s richest and most fanatical scum who refuse to follow the law.
Saying Nazis should get punched’ll get you banned on reddit in my experience
You’re just the most adorable little troll! Oh my goodness
You don’t understand how paying mandatory taxes you don’t dictate and investing voluntarily is different?
America’s more of a developed company than it is a developed country, and the CEOs don’t work for the employees.
I once read that the more competitive a society is, the now left-handed people it will have. I never did more research to verify, but makes some kinda sense
There isn’t “chain of command” between me and him.
I mean, sure their is.
Senate / House
. . . . You.
It’s who their owners say to hate, so they hate them. Could be anyone and for no or any reason. They’re cultists and they do, say, hate, and fear who they’re told to.