They got their name because they’re the kind of casserole you bring to family gatherings. They got popular because of crispy cheesy awesomeness.
The wasabi goes over there.
They got their name because they’re the kind of casserole you bring to family gatherings. They got popular because of crispy cheesy awesomeness.
Do I have to pick one? Shoestring fries, waffle fries, tater tots, home fries, steak fries, garlic mashed potatoes, potato pancakes made from leftover garlic mashed potatoes, curly fries, funeral potatoes, and Greek potatoes are all awesome. I’d also like to try to make patatas bravas sometime. I’m guessing they will also be awesome.
A wakeyuppyman is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
A lot of TNG episodes would have been shorter if she had Troi’s job.
Picard: “These fishy-looking ambassadors arrived in hibernation.”
Lwaxana: “They’re not ambassadors, they’re terrorists. They have a bomb.”
Picard: “Thanks, L”
Security arrests fishy dudes
Roll credits
I’m not sure anyone on the dem side would primary Harris, however. If she is primaried, Gavin Newsome would probably be sworn in about this time next year.
On edit: jmho
The really amazing part of this story is how he fit behind the steering wheel with those massive balls.
I’ll be in my bunk.
A clothed female? Clearly this did not end on Ferenginar.
You have to give The Expanse a chance. I had no idea what was going on for most of the first season, but I really enjoyed the world-building and character development. It pays off later.
“Victuals” is the source of the term “vittles”, if you’re feeling particularly folksy.
That sounds like the premise for a new Tim & Eric series.
If bracing for impact is good enough for the Enterprise, it’s good enough for my Hyundai.
Refurbs FTW! I scored a lot of good (but not cutting edge) electronics back in the heyday of TigerDirect.
That was 100% more beheadings than before, was it not?
Luckily, the new, Picard-era, warrior-monk Worf will not kill the maker of this meme for dishonoring him. Well, maybe.
I just read about this! The bowl of petunias was an incarnation of Agrajag. “Not again” referred to being killed by Arthur. Again.
I believe there were replicator credits. That being said, tacos are not a bad way to spend your replicator credits.
Using LYNX on a monochrome terminal in the university computer lab. Yes, I’m old.