The trouble was less dollar to space in the past as it was dollar to certain benchmarks of space.
The trouble was less dollar to space in the past as it was dollar to certain benchmarks of space.
Waves his hands in vaguely flowey circles as a nearby enemy tank implodes
We’d probably have to share a gate or something. /s
Natter indeed.
The War of the Chosen expansion vastly improved PC load times, and it has a healthy modding community. One of my top fave games!
Slugthrowers are a viable weapon against jedi, old canon at least.
Dream Hunter Rem?
Hello fellow Tactics fan!
If you’re looking for a much lighter version of it, both in gameplay and story, I’d recommend Battle Hunter (PS1).
And now that I’ve been reminded of it, I’m gonna entertain the idea of porting it over to a tabletop board game, cause that’s how mechanics-lite it is.
The Outer Worlds. Would have been the last game to date that I’d had pre-ordered, but they went Epic exclusive, so I decided to be patient and wait for the Steam release. Year goes by and it releases for Steam, but at original launch price. Decide I’m not willing to pay full price for a game I had to wait extra for.
Now it’s turned into a game of seeing it go on sale and remarking, “Come on guys, you can do better than that.”
Not even a lore accurate Musk belly.