Yep, use it, love it. I just have a bunch of alerts set up for any new articles that include search phrases in my areas of interest, mainly bioacoustics stuff so I can post any new relevant articles or papers on digitalbioacoustics@lemmy.world
Whereas most races are content to evolve slowly and carefully over thousands of generations, discarding a prehensile toe here, nervously hazarding another nostril there, the Haggunenons would have done for Charles Darwin what a squadron of Arcturan Stunt Apples would have done for Sir Isaac Newton.
Yep, use it, love it. I just have a bunch of alerts set up for any new articles that include search phrases in my areas of interest, mainly bioacoustics stuff so I can post any new relevant articles or papers on digitalbioacoustics@lemmy.world
Awesome! Thanks so much, I really appreciate the info, I’m adding some to my list now. I am quite interested to hear an Ausie perspective of Trump, and a good science podcast sounds great. Thanks again!
I thought you may be interested in u/pringles followup comment
Awesome, I’m sold! Downloading them now. Thanks so much for taking the time to write this. Looking forward to listening!
Do you recommend any episodes in particular of these?
Are there any episodes of these in particular that stick out to you?
Oh yes, hardcore history is so good.
Darknet Diaries is fantastic!
Just downloaded them, thanks for the recommendations!
Probably “Philosophize This”
Any episode of any of these that especially stick out to you?
Darknet Diaries
Intelligence Squared
Sean Carroll’s Mindscape
Look around for anything that is baseball shaped and sized and look up a juggling tutorials. Even if you already know the basic pattern, there are tons of tricks that you can start working on right away.
Alright, thank you. Good to know!
Thankyou! I can also confirm that both work for me in voyager as well.
Decoding animal communication and interspecies communicstion with AI.
(Which way should I be sharing community links on here?)
Juggle. You must have 3 similar ball shaped items around the house. There’s lots of tutorials online. You get your blood feeling, body moving. Such a nice rush when you finally get that new pattern or trick you were working on.
TIL, thanks a bunch
KDE Ubuntu, I like it so much more than gnome. I’ve never tried another Linux and I have so much customization set up with with KDE that switching to somewhere else is really not appealing.
Can you please tell me what problem you had with snaps?
Mixtral is an amazing one that isn’t super slow or require incredible hardware foe a decent speed.
In general this guy has really good videos/tutorials for the latest tools.