Princess Bride. The narrative framework of some shitkid not appreciating that his grandpa is Columbo ruins the whole thing. Those two characters should be cut out and then it can be good. …Okay, Peter Falk can stay.
Mastodon: @HipsterSkeleton@dotgr.id
Princess Bride. The narrative framework of some shitkid not appreciating that his grandpa is Columbo ruins the whole thing. Those two characters should be cut out and then it can be good. …Okay, Peter Falk can stay.
2 cups of rice, 1 cup of pintos, 4 flour tortillas, a nebulous amount of grits, 6 english muffins, 6 eggs, a few bananas and plain oat cereal, two bags worth of frozen veggies (cauli, broc, carrots, bell peppers, onions), a single chicken breast, a small roll of ground beef, a small roll of pork sausage, a half gallon of OJ, coffee, tea, oatmilk, and a hand-waved amount of spices, salsa, seasonings, choese, vinegar, and/or sweeteners.
huh, i eat more than i thought. I shop about twice a month, and usually buy the dry and freezable stuff in bulk so I don’t notice as much how much I’m taking in on the regular.
more importantly, why is wood not in the four western elements? Wood fucking rules
Dude just reinvented buried treasure
Improved eye (singular), a second thumb on right hand, internal physical storage, modular left arm with power tool extensions, a nose and jawline that are very clearly technological but don’t do anything else, and a set of integrated wheelies
slap a controller on that bad boy and practice your street fighter 2 combos. That’s an easy half hour right there
I’m of the tilt that it’s spam if it’s not providing a service. I don’t want comment sections covered in vapid muck.
hell no. At least they had a car, a mobile home, and prospects for the future
fuck it up and waste the first shot on a non-portal supporting surface
Oatmilk, Tea, Cum, Flavored water (no sugar pls)
I have adopted a somewhat haughty looking stance for eating where my head is angled back just to avoid this.
My knee inexplicably hurt for a few days a couple weeks back.
bread and circuses, mostly
I wasn’t particularly wowed by the gameplay of the sims 4, but I really enjoyed the building mode, especially with the freedom to put stuff exactly where I wanted, collision and autosnapping be damned.
Some days i feel like the engineered food creature.
They make me want to summon the ghost of General Ludd from his grave.
Mad max, probably
0.5. One friend found my lemmy account when scouring the internet for TTRPG maps. I think that halfway counts, even if he doesn’t have an account of his own.
i would become so evil so quickly
I’m playing a fork of Cataclysm DDA called Cataclysm TLG.
it’s like the main project, but cooler and you are hungry. One of the coolest highlights include grabbing and throwing monsters around for a change. Usually it’s the other way around.
anyway here’s the trailer, take a peek.