Everything he says is a lie
Everything he says is a lie
Fortunate Son just started playing from the sky
Related family guy clip https://youtu.be/98k2DlQ9PMY
Shut him down instead
Having flown over Iowa in a small plane many times this checks out
I’m in shock even reading that someone hates cheese
Very satisfying. I put cards on cars parked by douche bags that say ‘The way you pulled in makes me wish your dad pulled out’. Sticker is even better.
This one has a satisfying body slam of douche bag driver after he assaults them https://youtu.be/ibl6SHbq8sY
I watched like 6 videos before a driver pulled a gun. They still didn’t back down and he got ticketed by the police.
Walk across the hood leaving dents
His head or helmet or both went across the railroad tracks
On voyager just click search, then explore. Can then filter the list of communities
No man left behind save yourself fuck the injured
So always = recently
thanks! I couldn’t reminder who wrote it.
And later
He even used the term ‘special military operation’ in 1997…
His plan is certainly being implemented by putin
The first half of the last century clearly says otherwise
I’ve already received a ban on LW for benign comment when this story broke (like lots of others) and this community is on LW so I won’t give my opinion, but instead point out that more communities should move away from LW (and I definitely don’t mean to ml)