If it were guaranteed safe, I would get a regulator installed to control level of sleep. Something that could send you to sleep quickly and send a wakeup impulse at a designated time. Sleep quality would be a game changer
If it were guaranteed safe, I would get a regulator installed to control level of sleep. Something that could send you to sleep quickly and send a wakeup impulse at a designated time. Sleep quality would be a game changer
Organized crime was important to the development of Vegas as we know it today. So I think that is the origin of that trope. I think these days the association is not as strong as it once was, so likely this is no longer a thing, but having been to Vegas I would believe it of a few of the casinos I’ve seen
True Body. Went to a show to see Pharmakon and True Body opened for them. The stage presence was intense and I can’t wait to see them again if the opportunity arises
Knowledge fight is my go to
As a software developer and sometimes home electrician, I am so glad that house wiring doesn’t support git blame, but it would be nice to know who not to hire because the work in my house when I purchased it was appalling
I understand not being from here you aren’t as familiar with these slogans and their context. Black Lives Matter as a movement is a movement against police violence that disproportionately impacts young men who are African Americans. Hispanic men and other minorities are also targeted by police, but to a lesser extent.
So the slogan Black Lives Matter is a specific condemnation of this situation. Black lives are disproportionately fucked up by police violence, they matter, ergo we need to do something about police violence.
All lives matter as a phrase, wasn’t used as a slogan or anything until after Black Lives Matter. It exists almost entirely in the context of Black Lives Matter, and is used almost exclusively to advocate against reforming the police and lowering the use of force against Black Americans. Its sole purpose is to try and discredit the motives of people advocating for less police violence in Black communities, by implying that by singling out Black lives is not ethically correct. The police act as though Black lives don’t matter, so by responding to that by saying All Lives Matter, all you are doing is trying to paper over the problem.
With those explanations out of the way, I think that Dems should not be saying All Lives Matter. It may work better among young white men, but you do so by ignoring a very real and dangerous aspect of the problem. If the Dems want to reach those young white men, I think the answer isn’t to water down the existing slogans, but to add legs of the platform to address separate issues.
Show young men how police corruption fucks their lives too. I remember growing up hearing how much worse ticketing and traffic stops are for young men, so that could be a way to push back. Police will do violence to your black friends, and on top of that they issue tickets to men at almost twice the rate they do to women. If that isn’t an in to get young men on board with police reform I don’t know what could be.
Please don’t take that as me saying women have it easier in traffic stops. Cops are horrible, and when cops are sexual predators they are just as dangerous as other predators but alsoalso have state authority to abuse. There have been stories of cops using police databases to stalk women and more, but that doesn’t mean you can’t bring up men’s issues here too. Black lives matter, women need to be protected from cops abusing authority, and men shouldn’t be unfairly burdened by traffic tickets. Dems need to learn to find those parts of the problems and speak to them because all three problems can be tackled together.
I was lucky enough to have a friend send me an invite to the playtest. I’m not sure if that is the only way in or not
Been giving deadlock a shot, still playing dead by daylight, and for solo efforts I have Total War, Tomb Raider, and Rogue Trader going
My first instinct is yes, it is essentially flashing. On the other hand, I feel I would be way less likely to assign a sexual motive to mooning unless it was combined with some other sexual gesture or something.
Never have I ever clogged a toilet. Second flush has always been enough for me
Guy who is the reason this rule is needed is upset about the rule dealing with some of his bullshit
Second this, if you like X-Com style combat this will really hit the spot. Abilities stack and are comboable in really fun ways. The only complaint is that there is a lot of text in this game, which can be tough if you’re playing with friends, and six characters can be a lot to level up and equip.
Maybe something like “Hey neighbor, I noticed your trailer isn’t fully secured, I’ve got some wedges to block the tires if you don’t have anything”
Because business majors decided a search engines primary job was actually to serve you ads rather than to help you search for things
Its a good time and seeing the beavers doing their cute little thing never gets old. That is sadly a double edged sword because if you’re bad like me it is quite possible to have your beaver community fall to famine
Once watched a non-technical manager destroy two flexible OLED prototypes in a row. At the time they were combined worth more than my yearly income.
Intentionally? Probably when ads for Wheel of Time Season 2 started showing up and I clicked through to see if they had a release date.
Unintentionally through misclick? Probably yesterday
Unintentionally through deception? Seconds ago
Such a soothing voice
Babymetal comes to mind, but I also want to shout out Sandra Nasić of the Guano Apes for her appearance on Apocalyptica’s Path Vol. 2. Also highschool me would kill me if I didn’t mention Nightwish. Tarja Turenen was a formative part of my music taste, and 10th man Down, Kinslayer, Dead Gardens, and Creek Mary’s Blood all still sit in my favorites list