Thank you for sharing the lies that trump supporters tell themselves. I think you’re getting downvoted because you forgot the /s
Thank you for sharing the lies that trump supporters tell themselves. I think you’re getting downvoted because you forgot the /s
Every panel is flawed
People don’t walk that closely together
People don’t bike that closely together
Only a double decker bus could fit that many people without cramming people in like sardines
Moving cars should obey a safe following distance, so unless traffic is gridlocked, they shouldn’t be that close either
That actively works against the cause because it would do so much harm to the local ecosystems
What goes on in an agitation washing machine that affects how shoes clean?
Can’t wait for people to deliberately add the metadata to their image as a meme, such that a legit photograph without any AI used gets the unremovable made with ai tag
Sure But you could also achieve a similar effect in-camera by zooming in or moving closer to the subject
Looking at you, Adobe
Or leave it in the office, always on charge, and with no lock screen so anyone can take the phone and accept a request
My entire life is about using logic instead of emotions to make decisions. Fortunately I am slowly getting the help that I need, but for now: Using logic definitely allows me to get by in daily life, even if it would be better to be able to describe my actual emotions
I have the same combo of illnesses (though maybe less intense Alexithymia)
A useful resource for me is an emotion wheel (you can find one with your favourite search engine)
It has tiers to it, so you could start with happy, for example, then get more specific with the sub-categories
You and I both know there would be great difficulty in identifying what actual emotion you feel with regards to your childhood home, even with an emotion wheel. Since you’re not being judged on the accuracy on the emotions identified, you can pick a few that sounds reasonable.
For me, your assignment would more feel like a language exercise of picking the right word that makes sense in context, rather than thinking about the actual emotions experienced. In this case, the emotion wheel would help by acting as a reference of emotions to consider, and act as a sanity check if you’re writing something positive but chose an emotion that is a sub category of anger, for example
So what you’re saying is we should short the stock to make it big
Could even open a lawsuit and force reddit to investigate how much of their traffic is bots, immediately after the IPO
Raising the gas prices 10x overnight won’t create those alternatives overnight, nor will it put petrol companies out of business because they pass the cost on to consumers who are mostly forced to buy gas at whatever the current price is with no other viable transportation method.
Infrastructure takes time. Sadly the US govt isn’t even at the starting line for any meaningful public transit system in most cities.
If gas prices went up 10x overnight, some higher earners could switch to working from home (a positive result), but other industries such as retail don’t really get that luxury… Contributing to more wealth inequality
That’s socialism!
I’d be worried the service that suggests a roofing company or Italian restaurant would go to the highest bidder. That is, it would only contact the big nation wide chains, who pay apple & amazon, over the small local companies that give better service for half the price.
That’s already the case when you use Google maps or Google search, but it feels like you’d have less control by giving the AI a single instruction
Your smartphone probably has a comparable amount of processing power to some of the earlier mining farms. May as well just mine the bitcoin
That means you would doom yourself to die alone…
Or you have to spend your whole life building a boat, collecting food and being able to navigate, just to rejoin civilisation
“Sure, let’s embrace small cars… But you go first, I need my big car to protect my kids”
Depends what areas of education you mean. I think the most important areas people need to know more about in order to better the world as a whole are literacy, numeracy and world issues (war, current politics, climate change, etc).
Spending $100B to make university free would just accelerate a new problem that the world is facing: overeducation. Now it’s harder to get a job without a college degree as a minimum, especially above minimum wage, even though the skills gained in the degree are not what is actually in demand or being used in whatever job someone ends up with.
Granted that’s mainly a problem in the USA at the moment, and with $100B you could also fund a lot of R&D so people studying STEM end up in STEM jobs bettering the world.
I agree that fediverse is only a few million. But the fediverse is also highly populated with refugees from twitter and reddit at the moment, who just want another stable and popular social platform similar to what they’ve always used.
If anything, the fediverse will have people with stronger opinions: either they’re willing to change social media because of a couple bad changes (and aren’t too attached to the fediverse), or they’re hardcore fediverse fans who are less likely to move to threads than your average twitter user.
If we assume it to be a 50% split, then meta has a chance at stealing half the fediverse by promising a larger user base, thus more content, but on the false premise that Threads will be backwards compatible with the fediverse forever.
The way we socialise has changed to the point where it’s normal to talk to people over text chat. This leaves a footprint that talking face to face with someone does not.
In addition to other privacy concerns, I don’t want things I say that I would’ve gotten away with had I spoken it to my friends in real life, to come back and haunt me, either by a platform having a massive data breach, or it being used as evidence in a legal case against me.
On that last point, I’m not using chat services to organise crime, but taken out of context, any message I send can paint a picture that I’m an awful person and change some jury’s opinion of me. This isn’t something I want to think about before sharing a dank meme to a friend on discord.