I mean, compared to LabView…
I mean, compared to LabView…
Damn, last time I played the wall of flesh was the final boss
On the flip side, every RPG should have a “Busy Adult” setting that recaps where you are, what you were doing, and possibly even a brief reexplainstion of the controls because you haven’t gotten the chance to play in 7 months.
I wish there was an option to just disable all achievements
No, it’s not the same thing. When most Christians, or governments in countries with majority Christian population, hear about priests raping kids, they are disgusted by it and are 100% ok with punishing the offender.
When Muslim countries hear about the above, they think justice has been done. Obviously the girl should have just been a good little child sex slave and went along with whatever her husband wanted. The see shit like this as A-OK.
It’s a false equivalence to say these two views are the same.
Every current system of government, lmao.
Not won, but could have had peace quite a lot earlier. Fuck Nixon and Kissinger.
Doesn’t a rather large portion of that come from Mao Zedipshit’s Great Leap Forward?
Honestly, I joined the Star Trek server because it checked all the boxes. Allows down votes, doesn’t block NSFW posts, doesn’t force censorship of words they think are naughty, large enough to be active and have a wide range of subscribers. Funny memes about one of my favorite shows is just a bonus.
The difference here is you were having arguments with someone during development. It’s easy to look at a successful final product and say “that guy had no clue what he was talking about about!”
Bethesda is saying the same thing about their fans, but for a final product that’s not very good. It’s one thing to dismiss criticism during your process, but to dismiss criticism after you present your results is basically saying you are never open to it.
This is also why North Korea is nothing to sneeze at. They have the largest submarine fleet in the world, lots of people seem to overlook that fact.
I’ll be entirely honest:
I am more afraid of calling attention to myself in public than I am of disease.
If I’m in a crowd and no one else is masked up, fuck it. I’d rather have COVID than be the only one sticking out.
Listen to audiobook
Some jackass pulls in front of you and goes 10 mph under the speed limit
Traffic is moving juuuuust inconveniently enough that you can’t get around them
They get to an intersection with a notoriously long stoplight and slow down even more, even though it’s still green, until it turns yellow, then red.
Spend the time stuck at the light silently scathing at them.
Realize you haven’t been paying attention to your audiobook for the last 10 minutes.
There’s playing with fan expectations; and then there’s taking everything the fans loved, literally burning it on screen, and essentially saying “none of this matters anymore and you were stupid if you thought it ever did”.
They had no idea what they wanted to do with Ferengi in this episode. By the end, they are downright feral. Wearing furs and jumping around screaming like cavemen. After watching them in later episodes, this one just feels really weird to see.
So what’s the deal with Keiko? Was she intentionally written to be an awful wife? She frequently holds double standards, is lukewarm to O’Brian at the best of times, and constantly acts like she’s just in a marriage of convenience. I honestly can’t recall a single time she ever showed genuine affection for O’Brian. It’s like she expected him to die long ago to get Starfleet’s widow benefits, and every day he’s still alive she resents him for it.
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