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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Ibaudia@lemmy.worldtoFuck Cars@lemmy.world[meme] THE CHIMERA
    6 months ago

    “Pretending to run people over” is a crime lol. At least in the States. That’s textbook assault (making someone fear bodily harm), and arguably reckless driving or endangerment.

    What is it about cars that make people into psychopaths? Or does it just bring out these things in already bad people?

    1. New thing goes against capitalist interests
    2. Propaganda machine manufactures consent via anti-thing news coverage
    3. This works on people who are generally aligned with internalized capitalist assumptions (ex. climate regulation is worse for humanity than allowing market forces to act unimpeded)
    4. People (conservatives) are now generally against thing and will block progress out of fear, even (and especially) if they don’t really understand it on a meaningful level
    5. Status-quo is maintained through perpetuation of internalized capitalist assumptions and self-censorship by those aligned with market forces
    6. Profit (for billionaires)

  • Take your eardrums somewhere quiet. Nobody is making your life decisions.

    -Man who is predicted to have higher scores on psychopathy and sadism

    Noise pollution causes, among other things:

    • Hearing Loss
    • Cardiovascular Issues
    • Sleep Disturbances
    • Mental Health Problems
    • Other Health Issues
    • Wildlife Disruption
    • Reduced Quality of Life because it makes being outside hard to enjoy

    How about we reduce it by making these exhausts illegal, for public health, instead of allowing assholes to dictate everything about society and poison our minds and bodies? This is like saying “why prevent someone from dumping garbage into local waterways for fun, just move somewhere with less pollution”.