If you want something Civ 5-like on mobile, check out Unciv. Its an open source and using Civ 5 as a template. https://yairm210.itch.io/unciv
Mid 30’s IT/Medical Device support and quality guy. I like cycling, video games, and singing.
If you want something Civ 5-like on mobile, check out Unciv. Its an open source and using Civ 5 as a template. https://yairm210.itch.io/unciv
Both of these things can be true. You can’t discount the rich and their ability to do evil in multiple dimensions with one choice.
I thought that was called using meth?
Found the Musk stan.
In this vein, I saw a comment on Lemmy that speaks to this. I’m paraphrasing but it really woke me up. The person said that Americans choose on edge cases and not standard use case. I realized I felt that way about ICE cars vs EV and I am a cyclist. It is amazing how we can have blinders on.
I can’t wait to give this a try! I love star trek games.
I love Behind The Bastards and It Could Happen Here. They do have significant episode counts. BtB does a great and looooooong series on Henry Kissinger that I think is a prime example of what you are going to get. If you listen to that one and don’t enjoy, I would move on from them.
I really like this idea. I am going to mention it to my partner. We have been trying to craft a policy for it recently.
Merry Christmas! Spider-man remastered always looks fun but the price is killer.
Isnt Badger turning light blue with genitals complaining about humanity a Dr.Manhattan reference?
Given the fact they are still running over pedestrians, I wouldnt hold a lot of hope.
I’m about five miles from my work with OK bike infrastructure to get there. My problem is every dickhead rolling coal on a lifted F350 seems to think I’m worth 500 points. Until they either protect the biking infrastructure or hit these people driving massive vehicles with some real pentalities for driving like idiots, I’ll have to keep using my car for safety.
I really enjoyed the ENT novels covering the Romulan awar and the standalone Khan novels detailing Gary Seven dealing with the original eugenics wars in the 90s.
Then how do you stop the spread of these monstrosities to suburbs where the driver never uses it for that function? All I’m seeing from you is calling us silly for now wanting something the size of a fleet vehicle used on streets not designed for it and killing pedestrians they cant see. Atleast requiring some sort of inbetween grade of license besides passenger cars and everything else could curtail people who are not skilled enough to drive those vehicles or not motivated enough for a status symbol purchase. Rather than say we don’t understand that people have some legit need and poo-poo us, couldn’t you try and be helpful with ideas?
Absolutely. Those traitors who think they can become owners by grinding hard enough make the world miserable for the rest of us. They don’t take PTO so they serve as personal scabs to us who actually enjoy getting away from the office.
You have to look at the whole compensation package…
No, I don’t. I can’t feed my family with an EAP program or a 401(k) that will disappear with the next robber baron of Wall st, or a marginally better healthcare. The world still runs on dollars and cents and until we all get our fair share, we need to be coming for these corpo-clowns.
Beneath the raptors wing 1 and 2. Its two novels detailing the romulan war that helps found the Federation. Wonderful reads. They also make a plotpoint for bridging of ENT to TOS tech together in the books. Highly recommended.
Not to mention you have to consider demographics. Walmart is a value brand. When it edges out the local businesses, they get de-facto monopoly. There’s no where else to go if you can’t shop the higher retailers. Tesla had first-mover advantage with the flashy claims and making an EV not look like a Dustbuster. They ran out the goodwill and runway and they will get eaten alive by the seasoned manufacturers. They will have their segment of the market but you’ll more likely see the same brands convert people from petrol to EV or H2 if white hydrogen is actually a thing.
OK. Fine. I will say it… “Mr. Crusher, ramming speed!”
I played both so maybe I’m confusing the rulesets but I thought it was Civ V. Totally possible I am wrong though.