Still going? Lol, pathetic
Still going? Lol, pathetic
Take the L bro, you earned it
Yet here you are posting on the internet using all those vandalizing products right?
Lol, your account is six days old, nothing but troll posts. Bro, if you’re not a bot, you’re clearly not American, so you can just stfu K? Ty, go slob that putin knob boy.
Defender of the crown, c64 version.
On anything political, it’s about as bad as reddit. Possibly worse, I haven’t been on reddit for almost a year.
Sounds like something a troll would say. Your post history is also matching what a troll/bot is. I agree 100% that just because someone disagrees with me they aren’t necessarily a bot, BUT, there’s a fuckton of bots/trolls out there now to do what they did in 2016.
I love when trolls post bullshit like this, it just fires up the democratic voters. Biden will win with more votes than the last time he beat that 34 time convicted felon, rapist, loser.
Offer rides to those that can’t get to voting booths on their own. Keep spreading the word to vote. If everyone votes, there would be no republikkklowns in office and we can progress as a country instead of regress.
Nope. The racist bastards would still be hiding under their rocks and you wouldn’t have an army wearing red dunce caps drooling while driving their ram pickups with flags in the back.
Edit: I have upset 3 Ram driving, flag flying, dunce cap wearing mouthbreathers.
I’m with you there. My previous employer wanted a bunch of their shit on my phone. I asked if they were supplying me with a work a phone, and they said no, you already have one. I said I do, and it’s mine, and I’m not putting anything on it for work because work and home are going to be two different things. They gave me a work phone and then wanted to know why I turned it off in the parking lot before I even got into my car. I’m done working for the day sir.
He’d get the republikkklown votes.
Doesn’t matter, if you want a cyber truck right now, you’re going to pay more than sticker for a used one.
Yup, but you now have to wait longer because some asshat spray painted your truck. Again, I probably hate Elon more than you, I was going to buy a Model 3 until he showed his true colors.
Yeah ok, what are we protesting?
No shit the owner isn’t taking a loss, the owner now has to wait even longer because some clown wanted to make a statement that Elon sucks. Want to hurt Elon, talk shit about him, he doesn’t give a shit about vandalizing shit.
It’s really not, they’ve all been pre ordered so far. Someone has been waiting on delivery of the ones that have been vandalized.
They haven’t though, try and buy one.