I agree this has got to be the root reason. They are scared.
Where am I?
I agree this has got to be the root reason. They are scared.
I’m not, because I’m lazy and it seems like too much work to protect my privacy when my government doesn’t give a fuck.
Are you a bot? Because you sound like a bot.
Pretty much all of them at this point, I’m in the construction industry. Video games, reading, computer repair, anime, dungeons and dragons, miniature painting, watch making, chess… There are a few brave exceptions, but most people give me that glazed over look when I bring it up.
Huh… That seems like something they would have figured out from running the largest MMO in the world for 20+ years.
I understand some of the words you said. Sounds like you are the person to fix it 😁.
Thank you.
This is my favorite theory so far.
That’s awesome. Thanks!
This is very wholesome 😁
Thanks for posting the update info.
Operation Outhouse.