Doing good! Really happy with where I’m at in life currently.
Hey there! I am a science/technology enthusiast and regular contributor to Wikipedia. Elsewhere you may find me with the handle.
Doing good! Really happy with where I’m at in life currently.
I don’t go out of my way to get news, so social media/Lemmy. Except for local news, which I do follow more closely. But that’s it.
I know they had a word block list but I’m unsure if it’s still around.
Hate speech is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as “public speech that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or group based on something such as race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation”.
It’s so refreshing having a statement written by two people, instead of a board of lawyers.
While we’re at it, ban SUVs and Light Trucks, by making a separate licence for them. If you need one for work? Or for personal use? Get a license that proves you know how to use one.
SUVs and Light trucks have done so much damage to our society: both by being dangerous as fuck, and in the insane amounts of pollution that emit. It’s about time the United States, and any other country that hasn’t yet, apply bandage to the wound. Slow the bleeding. Then the healing can begin.
181/144 Mbps. Over WiFi.