The Disk of Phaistos was printed with stamps (movable type) between 1850 B.C. and 1600 B.C. according to Yves Duhoux. Predating the Chinese by millennia.
The Disk of Phaistos was printed with stamps (movable type) between 1850 B.C. and 1600 B.C. according to Yves Duhoux. Predating the Chinese by millennia.
Worried Elmo? I hope so. Though I’d prefer you were terrified, you parasitic oligarch.
There are parasites and there are big parasites. Being a land lord is inherently parasitic to a certain extent. And we were ourselves landlords for a while. When a job took us out of state, we didn’t want to leave where we were so we rented out our house for under market rate until we returned. In my opinion, we were still being parasites to a limited extent.
Nowhere. I’ll just be gone
I’m 72. Pretty likely I’ll be gone by then.
We know the answer to that from how Bernie was treated
Is trying to overthrow an election an official act?
JFC, that would be such a pain in the ass for them if those dud mortar rounds got stuck in the mortar tubes.
I hope they All go off while being cleaned.
Doing that sounds like asking for ass cancer
Actually tritium has LOTS of uses besides thermonuclear weapons and there is good market for “discount” tritium.
The tritium necessary to get the nukes to work is $30,000 a gram. NOT 30.
NATIONALIZE the railroads.
You can buy replacement wallet windows pretty cheaply if yours have deteriorated.
FWIW, we cleaned out one of the out buildings on my family’s rural property which was built in 1903. I found some rusty cast iron pans. Reconditioned them and use them all the time. They are at least 115 years old.
The halfway sensible ones would. But the ones that thing religious texts are magic books would burn the former as heretics if they were allowed to do so.
Do it again! And again and again and again!!!
Why bother trying to make something uglier that is already maximum ugly?
And the Diesel engine to use the fuel.