The kids will really remember the times they sat down and played games with you. So you end up trying to make the best out of roblox and minecraft to find a nice balance of everyone being happy.
The kids will really remember the times they sat down and played games with you. So you end up trying to make the best out of roblox and minecraft to find a nice balance of everyone being happy.
Always project1999 with its decent sized community if you want a very small retro mmorpg.
Ahh good times, the first game I ever pirated and it only took three days to download. Really hoping this project turns out well!
Tbh archery is extremely OP in Skyrim and makes the game tons easier / boring. I try to stay away from it as much as possible or you just end up rolling through the game easily.
Maybe try to RP with the characters a bit more and set some limitations on yourself for what you can and can not use (kinda like how it use to be with the older TES games). I often feel like I get into the character more when I set these type of limitations and then need some creativity to get around things when playing.
Open world games have been shit lately but you can always rely on GTA and TES to really build a believable fun world to play in. Insanity that they can sit on this IP for so long knowing the market is dying for a solid open world RPG and knowing TES will sell no matter what.
Microsoft really has no idea how run game studios or they’re gearing up to take over the world.
Well I guess mobile phone marketing can use this an reason for poor battery life. It’s now a security feature to force users to reboot every 12 hours.
Seems like the only option for them is to start paying mods if they want these “communities” to play the way they want.
I’d assume this is going to have some clunky new game engine that looks good but doesn’t feel as smooth as the old engine. The big point of quake was the quick and smooth movement, not many modern games have this as they all go for more realistic physics.
I put so much time into Metroid II: Return of Samus for gameboy even though I never really knew what I was doing. I really need to pick this up again and beat it to close that chapter haha.
A lot of this has to do with the dedication to legacy support that created these two design paradigms.
Still waiting for the ground breaking next gen game bursting with creativity released from one of these Microsoft acquisitions.
If anything, playing games keeps your mind into complex entertainment which should keep the brain young. Sure beats just mindlessly watching TV all day though just make sure you still touch grass every once in awhile.
Insane, I have been using knowbe4 for years and he’s in most of the training videos. Sad indeed