I named my old white bitfenix prodigy m “Baymax” because it was white and had rounded edges.
I named my old white bitfenix prodigy m “Baymax” because it was white and had rounded edges.
The Emby mobile music player is awful. For whatever reason it will play and show your history on the desktop/server side but it doesn’t keep track on the mobile app.
Well, there’s your problem is another one.
Snake Plissken gets called into action.
Beta resters for full release. They always get the newest stuff first.
I watched Full Metal Jacket this year at 34 and it was still pretty rough.
I don’t have a recommendation but I have been looking for similar products. I am considering an esata setup to add my secondary array or a hotswap housing for switching backup drives. There are some pcie to esata adapters, you then just need power. Keeping it sata helps mitigate the risks of usb DAS connections with respect to corruption allegedly.
I don’t have a recommendation but I have been looking for similar products. I am considering an esata setup to add my secondary array. There are some pcie to esata adapters, you then just need power. Keeping it sata helps mitigate the risks of usb DAS connections with respect to corruption allegedly.
A decent chunk of that is in The Food Lab cookbook.
I’m using emby for music, audiobooks, tv, and movies. You can also do picture backup/sync if you want. I am running it in a docker on my unraid server.
4.29 at aldi for the cage free organic ones, 4.59 for regular for whatever reason. It was like that during covid too.
If you want more in-universe crossover, Kill James Bond and What a Hell of a Way to Dad are also good. So is Failure to Launch
Emby will let you do it but you need a host server. Same with plexamp. Foobar2000 offers remote smb folder access but I don’t remember if it works as the library of it it just lets you download the files from smb.
Nah, roll it into a cone with the topings on the outside and try to suck the crust though the topings.
Anecdotal plug, I have had the best luck with Toshiba drives. In my current NAS I am using seagate 12tb recert ironwolf drives but that only has a month of uptime so far.
Before those I ran Toshiba 4tb NAS drives, and before that Toshiba 2tb red drives for 8years with no issues and 100% uptime in a drivepool windows setup. My last couple of backup drives were 6th WD drives and I am 2 for 2 on premature drive failures with those.
I also refuse to run WD online type devices since the mybooklive/mycloud security issues that resulted in significant data loss and WD refused to patch it. Instead they gave pile a $50 credit for a new drive
Jeff Rosenstock: “The Fuzz”
Bluey is GOAT level.
Air conditioning. Near the coast in Texas it’s more or less a lifesaver.