Enjoy that new PC smell when the hardware gets warm :).
Enjoy that new PC smell when the hardware gets warm :).
You should be able to make docker exempt from early oom. Check it’s github for instructions.
You could always try tailscale until you figure something else out. Its not really self hosting but its better than having everything accessible to the public internet. Set it up in browser and follow their set up guide then install tailscale app on Truenas and whatever other device you plan on using it with.
Yea no kidding. Gnome is pronounced Guhnome, Mate DE is pronounced Matay, Open Suse is susuh not soos, and Qt is to be pronounced as “cute” instead of just… Q-T. Many such cases.
Classic Disk Destroyer moment.
I remember at one point when I was younger and newer to computers I was typing a document for school and being driven nuts by the damn insert key. Like I had zero clue as to why everything I was typing was just being overwritten every time I needed to go back and change something. I still think the insert key is absolutey evil!
I do remember reading somewhere that smartphones don’t have a standardized bootloader like PCs do with BIOS and UEFI, and that it can vary between manufacturers and devices. Could be wrong about it. Also some manufacturers really don’t want you to be able to install custom software, like Samdung in North America. If you buy a Samdung device in NA…even if it is carrier unlocked… the bootloader will be impossible to unlock.
Probably similar to how manufacturers tell you it’s for your own safety and “think of children!”
Yes! We need more non-human/humanoid based games. I think your idea has a lot of potential tbh, playing as a jumping spider could be fun. Personally I would really like to play an orca/dolphin simulator.
This is something that still happens. When I go on any road trips that involves driving on the interstate (US), I will always happen to glance at mile marker 66. I’m usually never thinking about it when it happens. I’ll be totally absorbed into my phone (as a passenger of course!) or talking, and just happen to look up and right at mile marker 66. It always gives me a bit of a shock that I’ve noticed it again. Otherwise I don’t really pay any attention to the little green mile marker signs on the side of the road. I am not at all religious or believe in anything like that. I guess it just means I die at MM 66 on some interstate somewhere. This started happening in my teens.
Haha, that’s also a good one!
I’m gonna start using it regardless.
I just wish we spelled things in a more German-‘esk’ fashion. They use K more appropriately. Examples such as “panik” and “akkordeon” for accordion. I find their spelling to be more straightforward and sensical.
Didn’t see it mentioned here but check out Keep Alive.