Why hasn’t the market dropped yet with all the fuckery going on in DC? Because the impact of said fuckery has not occurred yet.
This is s completely incorrect take on the stock market.
Rule #1 of the stock market is that none understands how it responds to inputs.
Rule #2 is that it attempts to factor in future expectations, so if you wait for something to happen, the impact is already accounted for in the price if the stock.
Market frenzy, people piling on when FOMO takes over, etc all make it impossible to have any level of certainty. So it’s a valid question to ask why all of the current fuckery has not translated into market chaos.
Those people are the other fascists. You can’t be a part of the problem without being part of the problem.
Yeah, but Dunkin for coffee??
Yeah, this is definitely the Kenny G smooth jazz of dystopias. And I mean that in all of the worst possible ways.
For me it’s that everything today is made out of some flavor of shitty plastic. Call ot whatever you want - “Active Wear”, “Cool Breeze”, “Dry Tech” - it’s polyester, it feels terrible, and amps my BO up to 11 even if I’m just sitting still.
Exactly. I want to discover new artists, and sometimes I accidentally discover old artists that I should have known about but sheltered, raised-on-small-town-Midwestern-radio old me never could.
Yeah this is probably the most likely. We do love to put plastic on everything.
That’s a reasonable guess, but it suggests that (a lot) of people are unpacking new electronics over bare live electrical wire.
I’ve been buying electrical and electronic things for years (okay decades), and the toys and computers I got as a kid never had these. The cords are always nicely coiled in their own cavity of the box too, so already protected well enough.
All in all it just seems like a solution to a non-existent problem.
I had done this for several years but recently I’m running into the issue where my home router won’t let me specify a DNS server that is on the same subnet. I dont have multiple networks running at home so I can’t make a Pihole work anymore.
I’d shake your hand, but, well…
I have a plant identifier app that says it’s periwinkle.
Maybe the gun makes that “ah-ooo-ga” sound and a flag pops out of the barrel with “BANG” written on it?
Clearly not!
That could work too. So like Anna Nicole Smith. Don’t know if she remarried though.
Honestly, the answer probably involves a child bride somewhere…
Well, he uses company revenue anyway. There may not be any profits to dip into, which makes this even worse.
That all depends on which ethical code you’re referencing for your statement. I 100% believe that Starbucks sources according to their corporate ethical standards.