Can’t expect predictive text to be able to do math. You can get it to use a programming language to do it tho. If you ask it in a programmatic way it’ll generate and run it’s own code. Only way I got it to count the amount of r’s in strawrbrerry.
Can’t expect predictive text to be able to do math. You can get it to use a programming language to do it tho. If you ask it in a programmatic way it’ll generate and run it’s own code. Only way I got it to count the amount of r’s in strawrbrerry.
ESPHome has firmware for the BT proxy:
The I installed the xiaomi app on my phone, I think it was called zepp life or something for the scale I have, you do the initial setup of the scale on there, and then it’ll be picked up by the Bluetooth proxy.
Yep, pretty much. Just get an ESP32 and not an 8266.
I have it plugged into an old Nokia charger and hidden in a cupboard to service all the Bluetooth temperature and door sensors.
When I use the scale it automatically sends the data to HA. Really convenient to use.
I have a Xiaomi scale connected through an esp Bluetooth proxy. Works pretty well.
Any specific brand recommendations? Asking for a friend of course.
Lol, fair enough.
Is Mastadon different?
But they don’t make them anymore :(
Thanks for the suggestion, I was looking at buying another soldering iron. I’m using a really obscure brand one that I got from my dad and that I have been using since I was around 8 (30 years ago).
I can only get replacement tips in South Africa so was looking for something with more support.
Honest question, how long is the fluid supposed to last? And I’m not talking about burning time. I have a zippo, I fill it, a few weeks later I go to use it and the flame lasts a few seconds as the fuel finishes.
Felt the same about Lemmy when I signed up.
It’s been a few months but I as far as I remember used all the same mounting options
It’s doing something different, I was using to mount an AWS FSx for ZFS share on a beefy machine (1.2GB/s network throughput) and was getting less than 50MB/s throughput using docker to mount it, but getting the full 1.2GB/s when mounted outside and mapped to a volume in the container.
I found this to be extremely underperforming. If you plan on doing anything that requires high throughput, don’t use the docker NFS operator.
Super easy to solve. Just seta geofence of no hooting. There’s a good reason they hoot in the first place, but it’s not needed in that lot.
I only really have issues when I’m out of the country, especially when I’m back in South Africa
Accept that not everyone will like you back, in fact, most won’t. Mourne the loss, be sad, cry, then get up and carry on, because there will be another.
I also prefer to stay friends if I can, because if I loved them for some reason, them not feeling anything for me doesn’t change that, so I want them in my life.
Some of this was only possible due to the fact that I have had my heart broken too many times to count, so it’s also a thing of practicing radical acceptance.
Check out these maybe:
https://dmitry.gr/?r=05.Projects&proj=29. eInk Price Tags
There’s more but I’d have to search for it, it’s a good starting point though.
Yuuup, they use an ASIC too.
Here’s an attempted teardown https://www.youtube.com/live/AN0CMmFQIi0
Also interesting: http://furrtek.free.fr/index.php?a=esl
Way better than wrasprbrerry