Lol wow
True. Downvoters clearly aren’t engineers. I hope Ukraine will get all the support they require though.
Wow, this is incredibly interesting on many levels. Thanks.
Bless him and that his mind can find peace.
Put one in Putin’s pooter.
LoL wow god damn y’all are scary.
Was supposed to be the traditional quote “catch” of the day. Guess I didn’t “catch” it.
LoL Yeah! No joke, I bet this really does help the tide. A loss in morale.
Not a very big haul, but the symbolism is huge.
Thinking of that girl cop in Vampire Hunter D. That rifle she has.
Still counts. Glad to have you aboard.
LoL yeah now I’m laughing
They’re all gonna be like Sonic when he loses his rings.
So a cruise missile
American bombs in Kursk. Christmas came early this year. Thanks Ukraine.
Mmmm try new Berry BLAST