The challenge will be finding an actual traditional conservative instance that isn’t also a pro-Nazi fascist shithole.
The challenge will be finding an actual traditional conservative instance that isn’t also a pro-Nazi fascist shithole.
Interesting read.
The likes of Spez were just not that intelligent enough to figure out how to make Reddit pay before the VCs called in the investments. Not that it’s an easy problem to solve, but if you’re going to take on money like Reddit did you sure as hell needed a better plan then leaving it up to later to figure out. Amazon had a plan clearly, Reddit did not.
Also, what Reddit is now doing mimics a little of what Facebook did too, the enshitification of your feeds (just look at the app). They’re just hoping Reddit is as addictive as Facebook is and you’ll stick around regardless. I wonder if they recent;y hired some new advisers that told them to make these recent changes too?
With interest rates going up it’s costing more and more to have borrowed money sitting in the likes of Reddit hoping for a nice payday one day.
Notice how Reddit haven’t engaged in any positive damage control at all? It’s just been hit pieces against devs, an AMA with completely canned responses and unprecedented wide-spread hostile action against it’s content creators/power users/mods?
Reddit is in full-blown sell out mode right now and nothing but money matters anymore. It’s all down hill from here.
Exactly, when you put it out there it’s out there on every single platform there is. It doesn’t matter if you “delete it”, the moment you share it you have lost control over it entirely.
For the same reasons I never understood why people post on Facebook with their own full name and life story out there in the open either.
Yeah it’s funny how some absolutely swear by it, yet others can’t stand it.
Plex is better overall currently imo having tried both recently. It’s just simply more mature software where things just work and it has a ton more features.
Jellyfin is pretty awesome though in its own right and heading in a great direction.
I dunno if this is weird or what but personally I can’t stand markdown editors. It’s 2023 and Microsoft Word is a fairly polished thing that I expect replicated in some way in my note taking app.
Currently I’m using Notion and it’s pretty nice. Free for students too which is great.
I was using Wiki.js which was nice but a bit clunky and I ran into a few showstopper bugs that I couldn’t bother fixing.
No. My time is worth more than 10k and I’d rather spend it doing stuff I like to do.