he/him (cisgender)

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Things I’ve seen people doing while driving: taking phone calls without using hands free, adjusting their stereo or AC or any number of other buttons that are off to the side and usually require looking down, reaching across to get something out of the glove box, texting, putting on makeup, reading a book!?

    When I got hit by a car while riding my bike I was wearing high vis, it was daytime, I was in a cylcle lane, they were on a giveway/yield and yet some people I told about it after the fact STILL implied it was probably my fault because I didn’t see them or wasn’t looking for random maniacs running giveways?! I WAS looking and DID see them but you only have so much time to react and the choice between slowing down versus speeding up to avoid impact is not so clear when you only have seconds at best and your brain is going FUCKSHITFUCKWHATDOIDO?!

  • Mishmash2000@lemmy.nztoFuck Cars@lemmy.worldOh yeah
    3 months ago

    It’s an important reframing. A reminder to not blame the victim. Roads bisect ecosystems. Some flora and fauna can’t ever cross them. Some like deer can but risk being killed. All this has a dampening effect on genetic diversity by bisecting populations into ever smaller areas of smaller populations. For these deer maybe it doesn’t matter so much, but for some species it matters a lot. Roads everywhere cut the landscape into islands (especially for insects for example) meaning populations are often divided into smaller ones of less genetic diversity. Less genetic diversity often means less robust populations. I am not an expert but this is how I understand it. The poster barely hints at this but there’s only so much you can achieve in a poster but the reframing is a start. Jaywalking laws were a reframing that was designed to transfer the blame from the car and driver to the pedestrian in accidents. The new laws said that cars weren’t the problem, the victims being run down were the issue as they shouldn’t have been in the way of the car.

  • Mishmash2000@lemmy.nztoFuck Cars@lemmy.worldInsanity
    6 months ago

    Wow, that’s a bummer :-/ For me it’s 15-20 min by car assuming a few minutes walk to where I’ve parked. 25 min by bike (20 min by road but I take a safer ‘scenic route’) and about 40 min by bus and about 10 minutes of that is walking to/from the bus stop. And the bus fare gets capped at 8 trips per week so every trip thereafter is free meaning if you commute to work every day, Friday and all weekend will be unlimited free trips.

  • I know :-p Spherical cow in a vacuum :-) It highlights the difference in truck v car v bike, all else removed from the equation, and shows that bikes basically have (approaching) zero impact on roads built for cars/trucks. Another way to look at it is if you only had to engineer roads for bikes they could be a fraction of the cost AND last a lot longer! Sigh, dreams are free!

  • Someone posted this link below and you have the right idea (that bike = less damage = road lasts longer) but you’re ever so slightly off with you 2x estimation. Just a smidge out :-D


    The road stress ratio of truck to car is 10,000 to 1.

    The road stress ratio of the car to bicycle is 160,000 to 1.

    To put it another way. This means that after 160,000 crossings, the bicycle causes as much damage as the car does when driving on the road only once.

    A truck, ONE truck, ONE time, is this number of bike crossings (if I mathed it right??): 1,600,000,000?! What even is that number?? It’s in the billions!? I mean there might not be that many bike crossings before the heat death of the universe?! And that’s just ONE truck, ONCE!?

    Conclusion: Roads would last till the ends of time if they were only utilised by bicycles! Even if you only built roads to last ONE year under heavy truck use, under heavy bike use this same road would last 1.6 billion years!? Is this even real?! Am I mathing wrong?!

  • Nah, I’d be like, go on! Do you associate that song with a particular event, person, time or place in your life? When did you first hear it? In what context is it your fave? Have you ever heard it played live? What was that like? Could you ever imagine another song taking its place or is it too sentimental or ingrained into your very being?

    Basically a question like “fave colour/song” is often a simple test. The kind of answer you give should indicate whether or not the topic can be opened up or expanded upon or even just indicate if you want to talk to this person at all right now. If you answer “blue I guess”, and look completely disinterested or “insert massive pop hit of the moment” and leave it at that, then they know to go about their day or try another topic like “So what about that sportsball game/weather/current event?”. But you might give them a nuanced answer that will lead to more conversation.

    It is handy to have a simple, 1 dimensional responce if you want to shut down the conversation quickly or direct it to another topic.

  • Mishmash2000@lemmy.nztoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlsame bed length
    1 year ago

    It’s so shocking?! I’m looking at a Ranger out in the car park right now and trying to imagine something bigger parked out there?! It wouldn’t fit within the bounds of the parking space?! Already if there were two Rangers parked next to each other there wouldn’t be enough room to walk between them, even if you turned side on :-/ Let alone having room to be able to open the door and get in & out?!

    In fact I can see that it’s had a flow on effect whereby every other parked car has had to park on the extreme edge of their space to allow room to open the door and get out. If there was one more Ranger anywhere along the line someone would be likely blocked from getting in or out of their car!

  • Mishmash2000@lemmy.nztoFuck Cars@lemmy.mlsame bed length
    1 year ago

    Yikes?! A Ford RANGER is considered a small truck to you?? They’re part of the growing plague of stupidly large trucks in my part of the world!? :-/ I mean I knew the US had big trucks but I never thought the Ranger would be considered the small alternative?! We’re so screwed?! :-(