OP: tells her to fuck off
Her: fucks off
OP: tells her to fuck off
Her: fucks off
My parents made sure I took swimming lessons as a kid, and as a teenager I did a lot of water sports (sailing and rowing). I grew up next to a really good lake, so it would have been a waste to not be in or on the water.
That’s a lot of stuff on the left bar. More than the base app
He won the popular vote. That doesn’t happen with just upper middle class people.
Not so much special education, more special exam conditions.
I have ADHD and dysgraphia (chronically bad at handwriting). For exams I was allowed to opt into using a computer to write for my exams in high school. All of the special exam students were in a separate room from most of the students, and it was disconnected from the internet and there was a teacher watching us much more closely than the main group.
This was really good for me, and I would have done much worse if it wasn’t for this. Sure, I didn’t use it for every exam, since typing maths is slow and painful, but for the essay exams it was great.
Maybe if any promotion would lead to a stalemate
Someone else has said Baldurs Gate 3, and I second that. Great game.
Not sure if automation/building is exactly your tastes, but satisfactory is a good one.
Orks have so much unrealized reality bending power. One time one of them thought the spaceship was getting too hot, so he opened a window to get a cool breeze. And because it’s orks, they didn’t immediately get sucked into the vacuum of space.
In defense of this, there are situations where it’s good advice. Bullies that only use insults and social pressure are easily dealt with this way. Find a friend group with no connection to them, then ignore them to get rid of anything they can use against you. This is basically how I dealt with the people bullying me at school.
But I agree, if they do anything beyond insults and social pressure, you need some way of confronting them or leaving them entirely.
I think most people who actually work in software development will agree with you on those things. The problem is that it’s the marketing people and investors who disagree with you, but it’s also them who get to make the decisions.
He looks like he’s enjoying the taste of his shield
I don’t. I’m one of two software people at a manufacturing company of 60-70 employees, so I just get to sit in the corner and do my work, then leave at the end of the day. Honestly the best part of my job.
A. Even with how shit the world is there’s enough good that exists for it to be worth it.
B. If I didn’t exist, I would never have a chance to help improve the world in my small way.
Hospital is good if they’ve taken action towards suicide (eg. tried to overdose, or jumped but survived), but it’s terrible for someone who just backed out. Imagine you’ve just gone through pretty much the worst experience possible, then you have to put up with the noise and business of ED.
Or literally any voting system with more than two seconds thought put into it
Hypopotomonstrososqepideliophobia. The phobia of long words
My prediction is that every other country will watch with a mix of concern and popcorn
Don’t fully trust the translations. There are some that are pretty good, but none are exactly perfect. You can get the original language and wording (or the closest we have) with a quick Google, so use that if you ever think the translation is borderline.
I’m sure they will, until they realize why it’s a good idea to keep the humans.
I think, when done right, games are the best medium for storytelling.
The only downsides are that they’re harder to make than other mediums, and can be much less accessible.