Looked at the image you provided. I can see your point about some of the sightlines. For regular commuting in most circumstances, I’ll give you it. But that’s the thing, you seem to be assuming a very specific circumstance and applying it to everything. You are trying to take a role of a general passenger vehicle for daily commute and applying it to a vehicle meant for work.
So yes, for regular commuting I’d say you are 100% right. But there are uses outside of such a limited scope.
I was pushing back against the idea that the vehicles shouldn’t exist and nobody should have them. I definitely seen some people who probably don’t need it.
From my personal anecdotal experience, I know someone who lives out of a trailer and they are mobile all the time. It doesn’t make sense to have a truck + sedan because they move around all the time. So instead they have one of those big trucks to lug a home trailer that they can drop off and then go do anything else they need in the area. Very specific niche case, probably would be ridiculed here if seen driving on the streets.