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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’ve never played deep rock galactic. It very well could be the exception that proves the rule.

    Feeling punished for not playing, and feeling like a company is trying to manipulate me with psychological tricks to make me play their game is why I don’t play games with battlepasses.

    I didn’t mind Diablo iii’s seasons journey at all, and that had rewards that were missable. But Diablo iv has like 90 levels, it costs money and you have to do stupid shit like kill world bosses 15 times with them being on a timer.

    I’m not going to set a fucking alarm to log into a video game. I play games on my schedule, not the developers.

    It sounds like deep rock has a much more sane system. Maybe I’ll give it a try.

  • I hate battlepasses

    Nothing demotivates me more than a game with a battlepass. Really disappointed, I played and somewhat enjoyed the campaign, then totally lost interest at around level 20 in the first season.

    Haven’t picked up the game in a long time, and it’s all because having a battlepass just kills the game for me.

    It turns the game into completing the battlepass instead of just playing the game as I normally would. Ignoring the battlepass doesn’t work for me, because I know it’s there.

    It triggers FOMO, but instead of making me want to play to not miss out, it makes me not want to play at all because I know completing battlepasses for me is highly unlikely

  • Street fighter II

    growing up with line ups of kids playing sfii in the arcades, leaving your quarters on the cab in a line to figure out who’s next, and when someone finally beat that Asian kid (who knew every move you’d make and always picked chun li) who played for free all day beating everyone else was finally beaten and the cheers and the whooping and sometimes even the real fist fights over it.

    Street fighter ii was an absolute phenomenal moment in gaming

  • Omg, bro don’t spout this communist manifesto shit at me please!

    And to the second part “then we’ll just make more tires” is where the devil is in the details. How is that organized? How is that, more importantly, enforced?

    You can’t just “bourgeoisie” and the. “We’ll just make more” and skirt off into the sunset. How will we, how exactly will we, make more tires?

    Like really dive in here, because this is where the rubber meets the road. How do we ‘just make more’? Where do the workers come from? How do they know we even need to make more tires? Who tells them? And what happens if …. No one shows up to make any more tires?

    What if everyone is too busy hiking, or learning a new language, or doing art or writing great novels to make more tires?

  • Seriously, what is your expectation? What standard of living and what level of effort are you not reaching, or are extending too much effort to achieve?

    Why is life not coming close to satisfying you? Is it because people have more than you do? Is it because people have less?

    I think stating expectations is pretty important.

    Me? I want to earn enough to support myself, my family a couple of dogs, have two cars and a house and raise smart and healthy and vibrant children.

    I want a lifestyle where I can travel once in awhile, I can pay for the things I enjoy in my leisure time and recreation.

    I want to send my kids to summer camp and soccer and gymnastics, I want to buy my wife things she likes for Christmas and birthdays and anniversaries.

    If I want all of these things, I have to go out and get them. If I wait for the government to give them to me, they’ll never come.

    Now are your expectations in line with, or above or below what mine are? Does it bother you that people have more than you do?

    I don’t need a yatch, or my own spaceship. I wouldn’t even know what to do with those things if I did have them.

  • You do understand what an analogy used for the purpose of illustrating a point is, right?

    What is it with people and being literal to the point of making a conversation painful?

    I could explain all of your questions for you, but it takes a lot of groundwork laying that you should have probably picked up on your own by now, and at least a little bit from the education system.

    Is all they teach you in school how great Karl Marx is? Did you learn how businesses operate? Assets, liabilities, profit margins, overhead, OSHA, etc?

    C-level executives usually set an operational budget per business department. There is a labour budget included in that. It’s a managers duty to use that budget to fill out the labour needs of the business, based on sales and sales forecasts and any other upcoming business changes.

    It’s not really as easy as ‘just hire everyone who walks in the door and don’t enforce any attendance policies, if they want to work they’ll show up. Sure, some days we will have more than we need, and other days we won’t have enough, but if the communities needs more tires, I’m sure they’ll just come in and do the right thing.’

    Seriously, have you ever had to depend on someone doing their job before? I’m guessing not.

    Anyway, we aren’t really talking about societies need for tires, we are talking about capitalism

  • Let me just explain something very simple here. The base state of man is suffering.

    That’s our default. That’s how living works.

    What our system has done is alleviate so much of that base suffering that now, we are so incredibly unused to any real suffering that we just make up things to be ‘hurt’ over.

    Capitalism has removed almost all of that base suffering from your life. The ‘horrible conditions’ capitalism ‘creates’ is simply handing you much much too cushy of a life.

    I mean, who had time to be offended when you’re too busy trying not to starve to death, hiding in the bushes with a spear, hoping a rabbits gonna run by.