I am all for this wave of “Pink Panthers” arming themselves. Hopefully it will lead to some actual gun control laws, because it scares the cowardly fascists.
I am all for this wave of “Pink Panthers” arming themselves. Hopefully it will lead to some actual gun control laws, because it scares the cowardly fascists.
I was floored at how easy it was to get it to run Breath of the Wild, and then I discovered the 60fps patch for the game. Pretty quickly sold my old Switch after that.
I bought 2 SteamDecks for a Makerspace I run (so the students could try their Godot games on it). Both of them are now also being used as a bonus workstation, plugged to keyboard/mouse/display with a USB-C dock, and used as a mini pc for 3D modeling and printing. without any issues. Blender, OnShape and PrusaSlicer all work without a single problem.
I accidentally watched The Substance, and now I want 2.5 hours back.
Some More News will do a livestream of the results. They are usually on point with their analysis and sources.
This sounds like a BoJack Horseman bit
I feel you. Sorry you had to go through that experience.
Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds. I am usually a huge SciFi fan, but I like the genre for it’s ability to reflect on humanity by extrapolating on current technologies/trends or comparing our culture to unique alien ones.
Revelation Space was technobabble and descriptions of weapons for pages upon pages, and it was totally devoid of any philosophy or reflection on humanity. I never DNF a book, but this one I almost gave up on.
Danish libraries provide an online streaming service, where you can watch 2-3 movies a month for free. It’s awesome! They even had Everything Everywhere All At Once before any other streaming service here.
This feels like OG 4chan or Reddit, and I’m all for it. Great ducks, people!
Managers sign off on worse and more risky decisions all the time. They just know when to not leave a paper trail.
Crushes are non-consensual. Getting rejected is definitely the best, because that is the first step to getting over an unhealthy obsession.
It is. But it’s also the basis for the political compass, and is taught in polsci all over the world
Look up The Minerva model
I actually teach teenagers programming and 3D modelling. The past 5 years has been the first decline in tech literacy I’ve ever experienced between generations. My personal theory is that only the gamers actually have computers at home now. Everyone else only use their smartphones, and that only gives a negligible increase in tech literacy compared to using a computer.
Angry and nihilistic teenagers used to have tech skills and laptops. Now they have iPads and TikTok.
Never underestimate the effect dust can have on airflow and cooling in general
Maybe we need to teach them the kinds of things that AI can’t do, instead of the same old crap?
Great! Like installing square wheels on my bike
Exceptionalism and nationalism has more to do with the propaganda people are being fed, and less with the actual reality they are living. It will take more than a hard downturn in quality-of-life I think.