The sitting around, waiting for “someone” to stop the madness, instead of organizing …fucking 10 years ago.
The sitting around, waiting for “someone” to stop the madness, instead of organizing …fucking 10 years ago.
Bose of course, …but bring lube($$)
Works for the Walton family. You know, for those nights of heavy drinking, where you just wanna bounce some peasants off your grill.
So. Your co worker NEVER watches TV? You know? Where swearing is everywhere.
New Orleans, Superdome, Katrina. - What went on in there, really. And within a mere day or two; truly, we are just animals wearing clothes.
Being a part of my own Government’s effort to deploy it’s “flagship climate program” worth a billion+ $. Realising, it’s just tax money that’s getting fed upon by industry, with very little actual effect. Also, seeing the climate data and its undeniability in regards to imminent collapse (5-7 y) combined with our utter lack of action.
A few others as well, but two come to mind quickly.
I am soured on humans. I have no faith in our species anymore.
AKA “a fart walk”
Hi! Canada here, e we export s fair bit of quality bud, Bud ;)
Basically it says to me “Fuck your for being/showing/reminding me that you are smarter/more informed/more reasoned/more compassionate than me!”
Same applies to “woke”.
It’s how it’s said that speaks volumes.
If, and it’s a big IF, the electronic voting system software is legit.
So easy to do. Or, used to be.
With the soundtrack of Caravan of Fools, by John Prine.
Literally? Buy some heroin.
Aftermath might not be so good though.
Longer than you think! Chilled me.
Headlines: “Trump elected President”.
Short answer?
Because people always choose what’s easy.
Buying into hatred, fear, mistrust and rhetoric is, in the end, just easier than working out the progressive thought processes to arrive at what is deemed to be societally more beneficial.
Combine that with the serotonin rush that comes with the outrage culture and its enablers…
…and there you go.
We are just stupid apes in the end.
Yes. 100% overused.
Set me up, Loyd!
Hello Me!
But I’ll add a dry martian in there too! Gin, vermouth, olive(s) or Gibson’s.
Lawers, guns, and money.
More is better.
Have you looked into Stocism?