Since I only have my phone right now, here is October 2nd, 2019
Since I only have my phone right now, here is October 2nd, 2019
Sounds like it’s replacing the neighboring coal power plant.
I’m getting real close to spinning up an instance. It’s just that Synology moments is working just fine for me now.
Not sure if it fits the bill, but Changedetection.io works well for notifications and changes to websites. You can target feeds too but there’s some xpath involved I believe.
I’m kind of excited for LubeLogger, since all the other fuel/maintenance trackers are going down the drain. Currently using Fuelio but I’m not a huge fan.
That actually looks like a lot of fun, thanks for sharing!
Exactly, when it updates, I want to initiate it to make sure everything goes as it should.
As other have said, I have a root docker directory then have directories inside for all my stacks, like Plex. Then I run this script which loops through them all to update everything in one command.
for n in plex-system bitwarden freshrss changedetection.io heimdall invidious paperless pihole transmission dashdot
cd /docker/$n
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
echo Removing old docker images...
docker image prune -f
Yes! I can’t wait to get a mouthful!
Very nice!
I’m using heimdall right now and like it, but those creative examples with system stats would be awesome. I might have to switch.
The trick here was getting the free version running from their giveaway the other week.
You didn’t list it, but what about Doom?
I just slowly add more services and watch my RAM and CPU.
For example, my setup is an older laptop for processing and I have a NAS for storage. The laptop has a 5th gen i5 with 8GB of RAM with a Linux OS. It’s currently running 19 containers.
Just monitor it and play around. You’ll get a feel of what your equipment can handle.
To The Moon, was such a good story. The music from that game still floats around my head to this day.
You can pick it up now, along with a couple other games for $12.
I don’t have any reason to suspect so. The steam version emulates through proton and this basically does the same. I figured this would be useful with the recent freebie from Epic.
This is what I use too. I’m not super happy with it but it gets the job done. Services and reminders are very confusing.
I’ve started using Piston instead. It’s more clean and modern looking and seems to do everything that torque did for me.