Shape mostly, but also texture, softness, and smell.
I like American music. Do you like American music? I like American music, too.
Other versions of me:
Shape mostly, but also texture, softness, and smell.
absolutely, I’m a fucking delight. Eudaemonia, baby!
“Eat an entire loaf of raisin bread.”
I’ve never even seen a Whataburger
There are barn dances every Monday night at the Irish American Heritage Center here in Chicago. Usually Contras and some Waltzes, every so often a Square. The IAHC also hosts Ceili dances but that’s less accessible for beginners.
I know there are Swing clubs and Salsa clubs throughout town as well.
I had this conversation with my boss a couple months ago, and it turns out the only change I needed to make was eating and caffeinating before commuting. I was being grumpy and gruff in that period before we opened to the public when my only interaction was with my coworkers, and it was mostly because I was waiting to get to work to eat and drink my morning tea.
When I was homeless I slept the kind of places homeless people sleep: Libraries, park benches, unused buildings, moving busses, the subway.
When I was in the Scouts I slept the kind of places adventurous campers sleep: an igloo I helped build, on top of and under picnic tables, brush lean-tos, under the stars on a mountaintop. The weirdest was probably one time the weather turned dangerous during a jamboree and we all decamped to the nearest YMCA and I slept on the hallway floor with a towel over my face because we couldn’t turn the lights off.
There was also the time I got locked out and couldn’t wake my wife up by phone or banging or yelling. It was one in the morning the coldest night of the year so I hopped the last train downtown and crashed in the break room at work on a massage chair.
I’ve crossed a six lane highway on foot twice this year. That had little to do with my suggestion to consider cycling if OP lives in a denser area.
Your suggestions on reducing car costs are good ones and I’m upvoting your comment because of them. But chill out, dude. We’re here to offer OP advice, not take potshots at each other.
Do you drive? If you live, work, and buy groceries within five miles distance, consider ditching your car and cycling instead. If you’re nervous about how feasible this is, you can save on gas by keeping the car while you get used to riding. But the full savings come when you’re not paying for insurance, parking, and maintenance of the vehicle.
“This is an outrage! I was going to eat that mummy!”
pack my ashes into a cannonball and shot me over Lake Michigan
Everyone talks to everyone. I don’t need a viper at my back.
It’s more that we’d enjoy it more if everyone put theirs away, but since we can’t ensure coöperation there’s no reason not to also defect.
So you’re also struggling with the apathy part, huh? For me, waiting tables, I just don’t think of the guests as fully human. They come in hungry and I make sure they leave happy. Giving them a sense of assurance is a part of that, but as soon as they’re out the door they cease to exist.
As to resentment, you shouldn’t be resentful of something you choose to do, or to put it another way, you shouldn’t choose things to do that harm your own well-being.
I’m one of the ones happy with my pay but stressed about my job security.