Commercial yogurt. Yeah maybe it’s just a tasty and healthy probiotic. Or maybe it’s a way for food conglomerates to change our gut bacteria so that we crave even more foods with cheap sugar.
Commercial yogurt. Yeah maybe it’s just a tasty and healthy probiotic. Or maybe it’s a way for food conglomerates to change our gut bacteria so that we crave even more foods with cheap sugar.
Would I rather live in a world where sometimes people take advantage of kindness or a world where nobody helps anyone in need? I’ll take the former.
More fun with trolleys:
That’s been my impression as well. Other countries recovering from a conflict seem to have a lot of people still looking for others to blame for their problems but Iraqis seem more interested in just trying to make things a little better each day. I think if they can hold on to that hope their future will be bright.
National Test Your Backups day. So much time and money lost because people either don’t backup their data or assume they have when they have not. (Ok it’s not a real holiday but it should be)
I’ve developed a taste for Sparkling Ice lately, especially their Black Cherry. It’s got a bit of real fruit juice in it and tastes way better than most other seltzer type drinks that usually rate somewhere from meh to vomit inducing.
They also have caffeinated versions but those have a bit too much for my liking.
It’s just a slightly more formal sounding title. This answer on stackexchange goes through some of the history on why alternatives aren’t used.
I think it’s pronounced “Madam President”
GW1 had a great campaign that felt good to progress though. It had some grindy stuff at the end for players that wanted to keep playing past the missions but it wasn’t required. Unlike GW2 that just feels like boring grind all throughout.
They got alien technology to make the rainbow tables with.
If you just adjust your justice you might just make it just.
And it works in QTerminal.
There has been some recent investment in trying to make plant based rubber in the US again: