My flat earther forums have a stickied Q&A where you can find the real truth on any topic. Did you know that dolphins are aliens sent to spy on us?
My flat earther forums have a stickied Q&A where you can find the real truth on any topic. Did you know that dolphins are aliens sent to spy on us?
It’s crazy how this company turned a disaster into a success. They asked for patience to deliver on promises, provided transparency, then actually delivered.
So, so many companies should be taking notes.
The Poles and Finns should agree to take half each and invade together.
Top 5 marketing tactics EVERYONE hates. You won’t BELIEVE number three.
Everyone always asks what air defense is doing. No one thinks to ask how air defense is doing.
No criminals allowed, war or otherwise.
Zelenskyy: At oh eight hundred hours, Kyiv time, the Romulan Empire formally declared war against Russia. Their cloaking technology is already being integrated into our drones. So I lied, I cheated, I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But most damning thing of all, I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again, I would. The CIA was right about one thing. A guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of Ukraine, so I will learn to live with it. Because I can live with it. I can live with it. Computer, erase that entire personal log.
Often caused by an imbalance in brain chemicals, which can be corrected with medicine.
Get diagnosed and take your meds. It’s a world of difference.
HBIC (Head Bee In Charge)
This is precisely why North Korean is working on an anti-furry bioweapon. They must be stopped.
French forces report that training is going well in Ukraine. In other news, yet another VDV unit has been spotted impaled on baguettes near the frontline.
It’s always better to enjoy the view of foggy mountains in silence. Well… there may have been some screaming, but you can tune that out.
The global wealthy elite being pedophiles conspiracy is unthinkably evil. It’s also unfortunately true. Epstein’s island proved it.
… and extremely hydrated. The Exploding Pigeon Defense is gruesome, but effective.
A minute and a half of unskippable ads, 5 minutes of Russian propaganda, a minute and a half of unskippable ads…
The Ukrainian military has gotten so creative with what they’ve had available. I can’t wait to see what they do with all those F16s.
Slava Ukraini
Liberals are dismissive of conservatives. You can only hate people so much when you infantilize them.
The right is too angry to listen, and the left is too arrogant to listen.
This is how democracy dies.
Cutting edge technology from the Wile E. Coyote War Institute.
Once Pringles died, Wagner lost its pipeline of strategic hotdogs. Morale collapsed and losses ensued.