We have had many predictions like that before. I believed in some and I take myself to be quite conservative in these estimations. What I saw is that none of them actually happen as an event, but very gradually. The best example is artillery shells. Media has predicted that Russia will run out of shells many times, but it doesn’t happen of course, because thats not how the world works. They just reduce consumption. This reduction was not big enough for any media to even report.
What im trying to say is that there is very likely not going to be an event when Russia cracks. As sanctions are applied, workarounds are found. They have enough people by sheer numbers to at least defend the front for many years to come.
That’s the official stance of everybody really.
Unofficially : US doesn’t really want that because that would significantly reduce their diplomatic influence and weapons sales. European nations don’t want it, because of responsibility, it would be expensive and we would end up with a lot of armed nations that don’t really like each other that much.
So, it’s really beneficial for everyone that it stays like it is.