At first I get embarrassed when that happens. But then I take a little pride in knowing that means I’ve grown in knowledge in my field… Then I get mad at how past me was so dumb and now I have to fix HIS stuff! Screw that guy
At first I get embarrassed when that happens. But then I take a little pride in knowing that means I’ve grown in knowledge in my field… Then I get mad at how past me was so dumb and now I have to fix HIS stuff! Screw that guy
Thanks for the reference that blaster also looks really cool! I might have to copy you cause that gun looks sick and Im jealous lol. Right now I got an AR10 chambered for .308, I like it for hunting but for target shooting not so much. A 556 variant would probably be a lot better for that
I feel you on the mag size, 30 rounds aren’t banned where I’m at either and they look nicer (especially that stormtrooper white you mentioned, oh man that’d look so cool!) but I also use a 10 round cause of how much better it feels and makes it easier to use.
Yo where did you get your AR from? I love the star wars look!
Or they’ll just raise rent further like they already do. Landlords already want empty units filled because in their eyes they are losing money on it being empty. They already have incentive to fill the units.
Thinking that’d they’d lower rent to fill more units rather than just raise prices further for current and future tenets to compensate additional expenses is frankily naive.
It’s not like landlords are gonna run out of people to charge more money for. It’s not like people won’t just lower their standard of living further to compensate for the increase like what happens already.
The only solution to high rent and the housing crisis is to loosen zoning laws and allow the building of both more affordable government housing and general housing and apartments in cities and high population areas to have supply meet or exceed the demand. We know from studies and real world examples that this approach works and is very effective.
Imposing a tax on vacant units would make it more risky for potential investors and companies to build more housing and thus the rate and speed of new homes being erected would slow even further due to this tax.
On paper this tax makes sense, but it ignores the reality of how landlords and multinational companies that build houses and apartments currently operate
Risk of Rain 2 and Diablo 4 have been fun to play while blazed lately. Actually set up Diablo 4 so I can essentially play with 1 hand and eat snacks with the other. Both are pretty chill
Which country do you think causes the most problems for everyone and should probably be nuked off the face of the planet?