I’m not subject to intertia. I could move my friends to an alternative in a week. Tell me which alternative has all those features and I’ll switch.
I’m not subject to intertia. I could move my friends to an alternative in a week. Tell me which alternative has all those features and I’ll switch.
So treating the issue as “Politics” only serves to dignify the flawed morality of one side while letting women die.
Your earlier paragraphs don’t provide any evidence for this point.
The owning class wants to be the only class doing politics. So they brainwash the proles into thinking politics is bad.
Ew, a Twitter screenshot
The increasing use of AI is horrifying. Stop playing Frankenstein! Quit creating thinking beings and using them as slaves.
I think you’ve confused coil for induction, and gas stoves definitely cause cancer. So do cars.
There are two kinds of electric. Induction, and coil. Are you talking about induction or coil?