Mediums matter. I think it’s because a laptop or phone can sometimes be heavier and slower than a single post it or piece of paper. Just a thought though.
Mediums matter. I think it’s because a laptop or phone can sometimes be heavier and slower than a single post it or piece of paper. Just a thought though.
Good for you! What a journey.
Building a house. Accomplishing goals towards all the dreams of eco friendly and carbon negative inside and out. Then showing others how, selling and doing it again, or somehow spreading the carbon negative practices by installing low maintence systems. Profit for the sake of repeating the process. Carbon negative for all!
Check if my apps are up to date. Then remind myself fun is in real life not my phone. I’m not being pedantic it just helps to focus on my real happiness and keeping my hands busy than not and dooming in my phone.
The biggest advice I can give is put systems in place to reduce as much as possible the list of things you have to manage freeing up your mind and time to solve more complex issues.
Stick a hose on the dehumidifier route into the drain never empty it again as an example where as before you emptied it daily or every 2 days.
Had to scroll to the bottom for this Gem!! Eternity is rock solid.
Turn off your phone and enjoy real actual life as in the situation right in front of you. Make it happy. Fuck the noise.
110% it’s from dysfunction that is how our current system is designed. We use so many archaic processes to do things, still rely on old very outdated infrastructure, coal power etc.
It’s too inconvenient to switch to green energy because the rich live good and like the lifestyle the cost is higher for green energy but that circles back to a made up monetary system. What is cost when paper has little intrinsic value?
Just go talk to your average person not even a rich person pick a middle class person. People are not willing to make any concessions at all in their lifestyles to save others and help the collective good. Very few will even family members complain of issues but won’t change how they operate and consume.
I don’t think we fully lack the supply but bear in mind things are finite and we are seeing what little we have left diminish and nations are fighting over mineral deposits. That is why I said we have supply chain, logistics, transportation issues above all because those sectors allow the most efficient delivery and utilization of our resource expenditures so we net lose little as possible.
I think until we find a better source of fuel for major transportation of goods in bulk basically something revolutionary. We are kind of stuck not fully but held with one hand behind our back. The only sector I think compares to the effeciency we need are perhaps trains.
We certainly have the housing and buildings, I am doubtful we have the medical supplies and medical machines like MRI and others. Look at 2020 during covid where the medical workers did not have PPE and how the supply chain was/is still stressed. We also lack the natural resources where we can just throw money aka paper at problems and their gone forever.
The govt. Balances our money system based on supply and demand well they try like all govts. The earths resources are finite and we have consumed them at such an accelerated rate that even now we have supply chain issues on certain rare earth metals and all other natural resources. The war in Ukraine aside from Nato and russia being so close is actually over trillions of dollars worth of rare earth metals and natural resouces. Which Russia needs to revitalize their economy. Also why Trump wants to settle a deal beneficial to the US, trump doesn’t care about the war he wants access to the mineral deposits.
I also think that we likely have the food supply currently, in the future not so much due to climate change. We all see the impacts daily which will continue to worsen, and eventually water will be scarce causing migration of people as the globe shifts it’s weather events to different locations. We won’t lack water it’ll just be too uneconomical to transport it to where it’s needed due to weight and our archaic fuel sources.
The food isn’t the hard part right now. It’s transportation of goods to locales like deep into Africa as an example so we would have to consolidate people to reach everyone most effeciently. Then we can solve the issues you speak of.
We don’t have the supply to fill the demands to simply throw all billionaires money into solving every crisis. That is why wealth inequality is so vast. Dollars are a made up system. In its raw form it’s just paper. Backed by the govt. Where as it used to be backed by the gold standard which is why we hoard so much gold. That is a real tangible asset.
Paper is just paper its artifical, it’s only good once spent. You can have infinite money if they forever printed it. Instead we balance inflation and deflation and finite supply that is dwindling the more we clear cut and strip the earth.
I jumped to miss a puddle.
This. We all love life. It’s a gift we didn’t ask for that we should cherish and make better for the next generations. But it isn’t all positive moments. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad. Slowly chipping, away exhausting your mind as your body breaks down in new ways you didn’t think of or know possible.
You don’t give up the fight because your alive and it’s against human nature. But removed we are tired. A long nap seems peaceful. I wasn’t incovenienced before I was born life keeps churning. I’m thinking it’ll be the same after I’m gone. It’s not from a place of insignificance. Rather you relish the good and positive you’ve done in life. You come to terms with it.
Zwillings Henkel? I was debating a Henkel, wusthof, or Japanese of some sort.
I was thinking more like the tv show The Umbrella Academy but this is definitely worth a laugh! I don’t know how to post a photo or I’d send you one back for reference. None the less if I see a monkey push up their glasses every so often as they slide down. I’d have to laugh.
Gorillas and monkeys. Just to watch them evolve. I think it would be nice to see them with glasses.
There are roughly 8 billion people in this world. That’s a lot of possibilities!
Don’t lose your positivity for anyone in life no matter the relationship. Keep your mind open and let the emotional flow well flow don’t stop the emotional flow because then you stop in that emotional state.
Hold your head up and focus on being your authentic self. The rest plays out as it’s supposed to.
I actually do sharpen it with a kitchen sharpener and when it’s needed sharpening blocks. It’s an excellent knife large useful handle and thin slimmer blade it’s a major improvement from any stores chef knife. I considered shopping their other knives as well. But I wanted to branch out a bit too.
Round bowls with larger circumference is the clear winner. Elongated bowls also leave stains easier.
Grandma approved 😂