Then I got a job with some snooty highborn, had to hunt rabbits with the fuck, ran into a group of 3 soldiers and then got my ass handed to me so bad I restarted from a previous save to re-learn the combat… i love this game lol
Then I got a job with some snooty highborn, had to hunt rabbits with the fuck, ran into a group of 3 soldiers and then got my ass handed to me so bad I restarted from a previous save to re-learn the combat… i love this game lol
But in the US, the average reading comprehension stopped around 6th grade. I don’t think a good chunk of Americans under 35 have more than a VERY passing knowledge of Mussolini (and they probably confuse half of it with Stalin)
“I will definitely commit crimes and legal falsehoods for my dog, and fuck anyone who disagrees”
I get it. He’d do it for me, so I’d do it for him
Please and thank you don’t violate barriers. It does not allow someone into your space, you don’t have to give anything of yourself to say them, and if you’re a good person you probably mean them. A better example for what you’re looking for would be handshakes. It’s common in most western cultures at several social functions, and it can be considered rather rude to refuse one, it got a lot of folks angry during covid apparently. That’s where two parties acknowledge the social bindings that call for a physical touch establishing a mutual respect. I never miss saying a please and thank you, but best believe I’m still doing the ‘covid shrug’ when I turn down handshakes.
So, you’d tell your child that “yes, you have autonomy in this, but your feelings regarding your need for personal space matter less than your grandmother’s want for a hug” is what I’m gathering? Do you educate your mother on the child’s wants/needs? There’s a reason why people are educated that, as far as physical touch is concerned, nobody else’s feelings should be taken into account. If someone can’t love a child without hugs, then I don’t think they really understand the concept or application of love.
I’m not saying this is your case, the next bit is an extreme but important to the overall argument, I think. People have identified that exact thinking pattern in why they didn’t report sexual assault from a family member. Because they weren’t taught how to properly say no and why the right to refuse touch is important, it was that much easier to abuse them.
I dont like my picture on the internet. So I refuse all photos where possible. I have family, they take pictures, they’re aware of this and so I’m never the direct focus of the shot (you might see me in the background).
OP said they don’t want to take pictures with people, they shouldn’t have to take pictures with someone. Instead, you should be teaching your son to stand up for their boundaries, even in the face of ‘tradition’. If your kid says “I don’t like hugging grandma”, are you making them give hugs or are you encouraging them to tell people in their life, who they trust, how they feel?
Your link states Israel says they’re a Hamas operative. Al Jazeera says that isn’t true.
I’m gonna err on the side of the journalists that Israel is actively targeting instead.
Yeah, if the share price goes down due to change in public sentiment and buying habits, the stock buyback essentialh wasted money.
But if the price remains steady or goes up in any nominal way, the stock buy back nets them tons of cash. If steady, not tons of cash but plenty of ‘control’ of corporate direction.
Job: IT Support
New Outlook exists
Customer: “I hate change, can’t you just put it back to how it was”
No, I can’t. You can use Classic Outlook, but that won’t have the features you want, and it’s going out the door so you have to change. No, I can’t program the Ribbon to look like it used to, that’s just what Billy Microsoft decided.
No, and I do not agree with the above poster, but we’re aided in that most of our forms are in both English and Spanish, the two most common native tongues of people who live here.
The assuredness in your tone fucking sent me into a fit of giggles. My man was put to the TEST for that game and still remembers years later how annoyed he was that it didn’t let you turn off dumb motion controls like all the other platformers on the wii
Think about this episode at least once a week because of that line lol
What was the ‘scariest’ thing to do at the time? Like, before slipping into that sweet sweet AM5 chip with easy placement and locking, putting in the CPU and thermal pasting scared me and all my friends.
Saw that 45/HR labor charge (I work in IT and my going rate [for the company, not my pay] is a little above that. No wonder he said he’d do it himself, at those rates
I would say that not putting a perfectly fine microwave into the garbage and spending the time needed to clean the microwave and it’s removable components would be a better solution.
Sure, they’re ‘cheap’ depending on who you are and what you buy, but they’re surely not ‘cheap’ as to be entirely disposable and they’re not exactly safe for landfills.
You’re a 1995 Toyota Carolla, stop asking people to plug you into a spacecraft computer you’re not even compatible. You’re 28 years old for god’s sake, act like it.
Although I don’t think you meant this in a way that favors corporations, I still think the next bit is important to add:
Businesses have lobbied against paying their workers living wages so you HAVE to keep subsidizing their employees for them
Yes and no. In a grand scale, yes, humans are seemingly at the center of some of the wildest ass decisions wherein alien species remark how weird humans do things. On a smaller episode scale, not as much but sometimes yeah, the plots are varied and it’s often an exploration of a concept or a specific existing idea with a twist. If you’ve watched Doctor Who, it’s that kind of “flavor of the week” for some portions or even series’, for others it can lean more towards a drama/comedy for a bit and then the run into something like a God or the tackle the problem with male father/son intimacy. It’s a fucking trip.
I think the fact they’re asking shows they’re not sure.
But also, one should be sure what your partner constitutes as cheating before engaging in said action, yeah.
My wife and I do not see the selling of nudes as cheating (unless non-consent to the nudes or the distribution, then it’s a lot of levels of gross) but others might disagree.
Not silly, that’s a common cleaning technique from janitor/cleaning staff i was told a while back. Use a little bit of what causes the stain/gunk and it helps break down the bonds by binding with the already-solidified object and trying to mix with it, weakening/changing the concentration of the ‘stuck’ substance