Same here, just for gaming. Have multiple other computers for actual computer needs. Though admittedly, none of them are running Linux as the primary OS yet.
Same here, just for gaming. Have multiple other computers for actual computer needs. Though admittedly, none of them are running Linux as the primary OS yet.
The guardian of forever was discovered just a few hundred years after the release of unrelated Belgian techno anthem, pump up the jam
No, it’s the episode of discovery where he is mentioned. It feeds his ego directly.
Or maybe they are and you just don’t like how they are voting.
I’m not saying that’s actually the case, but that point of view always seems to be absent from these types of discussions.
You weren’t aware he had a guest spot on an episode of voyager? Well, then yes, really.
Sympathy? What a dumb take.
People still have wired headphones that still work perfectly fine. We used to be able to use them directly with our phones. We also had the option of using wireless too if we wanted. The option was removed, so now in order to keep using some of still perfectly fine electronics with our phones, it requires adapters. That’s annoying. What is the benefit to me as a consumer now that the jack is gone? Some marketing bullshit about weight or cost savings? I don’t buy it. Phones are larger than ever and more expensive than ever.
The orville is a lot of fun. Feels a lot like TNG but modern and with some humor thrown in. Though the most recent (likely last) does away with most of the humor in favor of a bit more serious, almost movie like stories.
I do agree that discovery is not as bad as most make it out to be, same with Picard, and I actually really enjoyed season 3 of Picard.
I think I just like SNW so much because it’s just that, kind of tame, low stakes, it just feels like trek to me. Not every episode or season needs to be some ultra serious galaxy ending threat.
Lower decks is just fast paced silly fun.
In fairness, voyager ruined the Borg, not Picard.
Also not really sure about that whole being put in his place by women comment… Is it just that you feel he was put in his place at all, or that it was a woman who did it? Cause if it’s the latter…
Anyways I feel that would be a mistake not to at least give SNW or lower decks a try as you never actually know until you try, but I’m not going to sit here and try and convince you beyond saying what I already have if you have already made up your mind. Then again, it’s probably a good idea if things being different upset you this much. All the best.
And don’t worry I know you didn’t mean that I personally ruined star trek.
How far do you get into it before you get tired of it? I know you mention that quark and odo on the mountain episode and that’s at least later on.
Personally I like ds9 because it very much was still star trek but managed to show it in a somewhat darker way that felt a little more “realistic” and less of that feeling that everyone lives in utopia. The dominion war towards the end was also very interesting in that they started doing some serialized story telling, something that didn’t really happen in trek or in tv much at all at that point. By today’s standards it is certainly a bit dated, but still, an interesting and different take I thought.
I do also happen to like the characters, which I think is essential for any show. So if you never really liked them, then yea I imagine it wouldn’t be fun to watch.
Have you watched lower decks or strange new worlds? Strange new worlds is in my opinion easily the most “star trek” of the newer shows and I think it’s excellent. Lower decks is obviously a cartoon but it too manages to somehow feel more like star trek than discovery and often Picard and it’s just a lot of fun and seems to be self aware enough to make it silly while still feeling like Star Trek.
The orville is also great and great star trek, too bad it’s very likely not returning for more.
That is true, and you can get USBC dac cables for existing headphones that have the ability to swap cables.
But it’s still yet another thing you have to buy when your existing stuff already worked fine, and it still ties up the USBC port so unless you wirelessly charge you still need an adapter.
It’s just less convenient and as far as I am concerned removing the jack has offered no benefits to consumers.
Because they removed something that was convenient to try and force people to either spend more money on adapters or buy Bluetooth headphones.
And if you need to charge at the same time? That’s yet another adapter.
Soon there will be a new fee, the “listing fees fee”
I’m enjoying it so far. It doesn’t have the same user base or niche communities of reddit yet, so for now I’m just doing more general browsing. There just doesn’t seem to be enough of a diverse set of interest yet. So at first it was a ton of posts about sync, currently it’s a ton of posts about LTT. And it’s just full of memes. Definitely could use a wider range of topics and interests.
That said there are a couple of really obnoxious instances that are highly political and as much as I am trying to avoid that, the users of those instances seem to dominate any thread even remotely political. It’s quite annoying.
Or actually an error since it’s already back…