Native language French, fluent in English, practicing Cantonese and German.
I wouldn’t use “never get to experience” but i would say it’s much harder to have that real sense of community that we easily found in the 90s, early 2000s, etc.
People are more connected to others but still more isolated from others. We were less connected to other people back then so people made a real effort to come up with fun activities and bond together. For kids, it’s the lack of just playing outside in the neighbourhood with friends. For adults, it’s the lack of third places and community/religious events.
Orr would defend his Communist friends to his Fascist freinds and he would defend his Fascist friends to his Communist friends. No one ever defended Orr because he was too weird.
yes this is basically what I mean
I know people who were Christians in Afghanistan, who were outed to the government (Taliban). The word they use is “spy”. It may not be the normal, English use of the word, but it’s the word that real-life people who have been on the receiving end of the betrayal use.
This is basically what i mean; someone who you can’t fully trust about their allegiance.
That is really awful what happened to those people; are they ok now?
That is such a heads-up for me in terms of making assumptions based on my own privilege, and I apologise for doing that here. I’m very lucky to be able to discuss politics without fear.
it’s ok, everyone has their own problems
my wording was maybe not clear
Not a good way to make them see reason. I know it’s hypothetical but if you’re friends shouldn’t you put in some effort to help instead of just drop them?
you’re planning to spend time debating with a ziganwu? or if you’re western, a staunch far-left or far-right supporter or someone with very racist views?
no, it’s normal to have a variety of friends
i’m talking about people with loyalty to a specific ideology and they are not honest about who they are in contact with, i live in asia in an area where you can get in a lot of trouble if you support democracy and if you share such information with the wrong person you can get in a lot of trouble
I heard them called “bats” because they flap around between different groups and are associated with darkness thus “shady”!
In any case, political crimes (“democracy supporter”) are just more justification to not care, imo.
you are saying you want people to not care about who they share information with when they live under a state that will arrest you for many more reasons than someone in the west would expect?
i learned a new word, thank you!
i learned a new word, thank you!
Hmm I think it’s fine if someone is a social butterfly, they don’t have bad intentions etc. I am talking about someone who seems like you can trust them but actually they have other loyalties, I live in a place where people get arrested for supporting democracy for example
I am not really understanding this, anyway I am looking for a word for someone who will be friends with pro-govt and pro-democracy people and you can’t trust a person like this or you will get arrested
I live in Asia, if you tell the wrong person you are a democracy supporter you can get arrested or on a watch list
sorry what do you mean? english is not my first language
I’ve had friends that were friends with ex-cons, etc.
you do you but I would definitely want to know if my friends were close with people who’d been in prison. If I worked in a field where they do background checks i would absolutely need to know if my friends were friends with those in prison. There’s a difference between dictating who people are friends with and knowing who people you give information to are close with.
If you’re friends with someone, wouldn’t you want to know if they’re also friends with someone problematic?
disingenuous could definitely be it; they’re not straightforward about their intentions.
Opportunist is definitely closer to what i’m thinking than sycophant.
They keep their connections hidden; it is the other groups who when asked state that they are friendly with this person.
where do you live that there’s not even a playground or a residential street within walking distance of your home?