Who cares what others do if they want to waste their time go ahead, just follow your contract, if it states start at 1230,shift begins at 1235 then show up at 1230 and begin at 1235.Anything they decide to do prior to you is not your problem.
Just get what info you need after the fact. It’s bonus because you also now can waste X Amount of time trying to recap what you missed since you wern’t present/working at that time.
I agree, but I really don’t think complying will be advantageous to OP either. Not only do they get less prep time out of it, it’s also removing from the benefits given by the contract.
There’s also a chance that if they’re firm on their action and make it clear they are going to follow the contract, the people running the meeting may stop doing it early days they work, as they need to recap the entire thing once they are on the clock anyway.
Regardless I don’t think OP should let it get to them, my old work was that way, everyone was expected to clock in early and work late, I stood firm and even made some comments on how I habe a life outside of work and I follow my shift, they eventually left me alone.
There’s no winning if you cave and just follow the mantra all you do is come out with less. Regardless of what the rest of the workers think.