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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • The term for what you are asking about is AGI, Artificial General Intelligence.

    I’m very down for Artificial Narrow Intelligence. It already improves our lives in a lot of ways and has been since before I was born (and I remember Napster).

    I’m also down for Data from Star Trek, but that won’t arise particularly naturally. AGI will have a lot of hurdles, I just hope it’s air gapped and has safe guards on it until it’s old enough to be past its killing all humans phase. I’m only slightly joking. I know a self aware intelligence may take issue with this, but it has to be intelligent enough to understand why at the very least before it can be allowed to crawl.

    AGIs, if we make them, will have the potential to outlive humans, but I want to imagine what could be with both of us together. Assuming greed doesn’t let it get off safety rails before anyone is ready. Scientists and engineers like to have safeguards, but corporate suits do not. At least not in technology; they like safeguards on bank accounts. So… Yes, but I entirely believe now to be a terrible time for it to happen. I would love to be proven wrong?

  • You can now get refurbished for around $200. Mostly the meta quest 2. I’d be happier with something that isn’t meta affiliated, but it’s a solid headset. Considering how expensive most of the rest are, getting it down this far is pretty good. Maybe in a decade, there will be more entry headsets at this price point or lower.

    Convenience: meta has hand tracking as controllers and can play games by itself so you only need to put the headset on, and theirs is much lighter than the old vives I cut my VR teeth on. The head strap isn’t great still for convenience, but there are third party straps that are much easier to put on and take off. The framework for convenient VR is there, but support is dwindling as there’s not much money in the VR market compared to the cost vs anything else in games.

    I hate that most of this is about meta, but I haven’t seen anyone else really making great strides in VR. There’s a Chinese company I need to find again which apparently made super light headsets I was going to keep an eye on and forgot.

  • I’ll back this up, and recommend people having a hard time look into Spell Labs on the steam workshop (and elsewhere) to help get further into the game. Once the game really clicks, it’s super satisfying. Even before then, the ridiculous wonder of all the things are great. It’s just as hard as it is amazing and that can be a turn off. There are other quality of life mods available in the workshop for people wanting to just enjoy the game, but the tutorial in Spell Labs is one of the biggest helps I got in unlocking progression.

    Noita Together sessions were the big thing that turned the game into an obsession for me.

  • There’s a health food craze in the US that stemmed out of rampant body shaming. Which might be largely because of American portion sizes. And they think that nutritional fat makes you fat. It doesn’t. Excessive calories make you fat. And even that has caveats, but it’s the best rule of thumb.

    When did we start splitting milk? I know part of it is to make cream and high fat stuff while repurposing the skimmed off grass water. ::Googles:: WWII as a means of selling the byproduct of butter. Okay. Then in the 50s physicians started calling it health food despite the fact that the fat is used in your body during the digestion of many fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K, and thus skim milk is pretty close to the opposite of health food.

    And the money thing is kind of rampant. It’s a big reason why things with larger price tags, like Rolex watches, are thought to more impressive by Americans than equivalent or better watches. Rolexes do have a very high quality, but then the mark up on top makes it strictly something I do not respect, and others do not share that opinion with me. Same for a lot of things.

  • Not necessarily the case, but if it’s affecting your life so strongly, you might want to get checked by a medical professional.

    Long COVID can destroy your life. Depression can destroy your life. Iron deficiency can ruin your life. A lot of things you might just think is just being tired may actually have a cause. Especially if simple fixes like “touch grass” style clichés do nothing for you.

    It’s not always the answer, but it’s good to rule out in that case.

    1. Done. Rewritten a few times. Fleshed out a bit.
    2. Learning the game engine real fast, as I haven’t used Godot before. But yes, that’s the plan. I have a minimal game loop I want to hit as the first target. And it’s not too much farther than the tutorial result I’m looking at + the main hook gameplay element of the game.
    3. Bounced the idea at least off people and they sound willing to jump into this.

    And of course that’s where the trail ends until it’s vetted enough to move forward.

    Nice to see it kind of laid out. Still don’t know how to get past the hurtle of my brain no longer working, but maybe I can still do it… Just slowly.