What about using Docker image instead?
What about using Docker image instead?
What about compressing it into 7z password protected archives and uploading it to any good host like MEGA?
I use Docker and it works for what I use it so I have no need to change it, maybe if in the future I have the need to use podman I would consider to change. But right now I’m not interested.
I learned it from trying an error, look for Docker documentation and you can start self hosting something like NextCloud or Jellyfin. Any software which have a Docker image can work for you to learn. You can use “AI” like Bing if you have any doubt too
Learn how to use Docker containers
Maybe a DNS leaking problem.
There are plenty of Orange Pi models available I suggest you to look if there is any model which adjust to your requerimients.
How about a GMKtec G3? Or an Orange Pi?
What about a Xiaomi Mi Box S?
If your board support it, use watchdog.